
What would you think of a group of people who think they are preffered by God for over 5000 years?

by  |  earlier

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EDIT - I do not agree with any of the abswers so I will not choose a best answer. People can vote on this one. I find it amazing that everyone assumed it was anti-jewish, I made NO such statement - says a lot.




  1. i think most religious groups think that way. maybe not the 5000 but the preffered part.

  2. Good people to have as friends and Allies. We need all the help we can get.

  3. most of us think that we are preferred,

    or ought to be preferred by either god or nature

    give it up

    each of us is a product of billions of years of evolution,

    each generation survived and reproduced

    and that certainly means our ancestors were preferred by nature

    but each of us is on his own regardless of what god may have thought of our ancestors

  4. the best cons ever!

  5. They are going by certain verses in the Bible that elude to the Jews being Gods chosen people...

  6. good people to have for allies

  7. Why single anyone out, when everybody in the history of the world has felt that way?

  8. I'd love to talk about this with you! maybe you could send me and e-mail!

    p.s. ****! you never said you anti-jewish! people on this forum are retarded!

  9. I would think they sure have great self-esteem. People's beliefs are fine as long as they don't try and shove them on everyone else.

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