
What would you think of someone that had old scars all over their upper arms?

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I was a cutter when I was around 15-18, and did a lot of damage to my arms, they are filled with scars that are whitened and raised but still obviously visible. I'm 23 now and am not the same person I was at all, I've been through therapy and am a much happier person now. I wish I had never cut but the past is the past and and I have to live with the scars. Its 95 degrees here and wearing long sleeve shirts is deadly. I cant afford to have them lasered off. So I'm just trying to deal with them and not care what others think but I get insecure sometimes and think others are judging me for them..thinking I"m the same person I was in the past, which I'm not. So what would you think?




  1. Go ahead and wear tank tops, tube tops, halters, and whatever else you want to! Everyone has some imperfections on his or her body. Yours just happen to be scars from when you were younger. And anyone who sees them will know that they're from your past, not necessarily the present, because they are scars. It would be different if you had scabbed cuts or bandages wrapped around both your forearms, where people would know that that's currently an issue in your life.

    If you just have confidence and show that you're happy and comfortable with yourself now, it won't matter what your skin looks like, anyway.

  2. I think people might be curious or whatever, but just explain that it's in the past and that it's over, and I think people will just get over it/used to it.  

  3. i'm sorry i can't help i to am a cutter i've been for 3 years & still do i'm 17 now

  4. Don't be insecure about them. You're right the past is the past. People who don't see that aren't worthy of your attention anyway. Good for you for quitting.  

  5. Why cover them? It's just part of you.

    I have self-injury scars all over my legs, but it doesn't stop me from wearing skirts and swim suits. What I find is that if you carry yourself confidently, people won't worry about it as much.

  6. You should focus on the future, the past is only for us to learn with our mistakes and prepare better days to come. Your scares doesn't mean anything, just forget them and live your life the best way you can. Stop worrying about others judgment. Certainly you are more concerned about your scars than people. Be yourself and be happy, life is just waiting for you.

    Good luck.

  7. I have a lot of scars on my body

    Not the same thing

    I had operations on my ear and trapped my fingers etc

    Also as for being insecure

    Seriously do not care what anybody else thinks

    You are your own self

    And also everybody comes with a different past

    Others should just deal with it

    Because they have probably had their own problems themselves

    So they should just stay out of other peoples business and not judge them because judging somebody before you even know them is a horrible thing to do

    You shouldnt care what othe rpeople think

    Its on the inside what counts

    Also i woudnt judge because it is non of my business and maye others think like this so i wouldnt think anything of it

    You are probably a nice person! :)


  8. I use to be a cutter too.  I use to get insecure too.  But what I did is tell myself, "if someone see these then they will be less likely to cut."  Because they are horrable looking.  It gives me a chance to tell people about it and help people that have this addiction to feel comfortable to some to me for help.  I'm not saying show them off but don't worry what people think of you.  It's a hard thing to do but it gets easier and easier everytime you do it.  I hope this helps.

  9. I would probably think that person had been in an accident at some time. But mostly, I wouldn't think about it and most other people wouldn't give it more than a passing thought either. Don't worry about what other people think - congratulations on getting past that awful period in your life. Those are not so much scars as they are small badges of courage. You made it through some bad bad times. What other people think is small potatoes compared to what you have been through. Really, most people are thinking about their own lives and concerns. Don't worry about them.Just be happy!

  10. heyhey i have the same problem~  but i got them on my forearm which is way more visible!!  hhm.. mine aren't raised but they are really visible~  i was kinda depressed like cuz i felt ppl thought i was crazy or bad but you know what i'm just not caring any more.  just walk confidently, don't even think or care what others think of you, ok??   that's what i do.  ^^  don't worry!!  just be happy~  ok  :P what others think about you is so unimportant.  srrsly!!

  11. I think to you, since you know what happened, you would feel everybody knows and is judging.  However, most people who see them probably wouldn't think much of it --after all, you could've gotten them in an accident or something.  it would be rude to ask (if someone asks, you can either explain or just say it's none of their business).  I don't think people will judge you for them; they'll notice and be a bit curious, but I don't think they'll automatically think "cutter" and bad things about you. Go ahead and wear t-shirts.

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