
What would you think of this style of living?

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Renting a storage space for a low amount of money, storing your must have items in there...

Then, working full time... and staying at the local hostels, friend's couches...

Saving up money... and then, traveling around the world!

What would you think if your girlfriend was living that way? Your friend? Your daughter?




  1. Impractical, at least.

    You'd be spending so much time wondering where you were going to sleep each night, I doubt that it would be worth it.

    And, if you get the right job, you can afford the apartment AND the travel.

  2. i call a person like you a "free loader"   .....don't take advantage of your way thru life......and work hard to save money....

  3. I know a girl who's done that in the England. It's apparently not as dangerous as you might think. She stayed at a hostel with 14 other guys, but they were just nice guys and didn't try anything.

    There's an organization that helps people realize this kind of lifestyle. I haven't been to it, but here it's

    Apparently you stay on people's couches all throughout where you're traveling.  

  4. I would think she didnt have any common sense.  

    Saving money is the poor persons way of having money.  Rich people have money because they have the income.  Only a poor person thinks about saving.  Honestly in the big picture, saving money is pointless because you need to spend money to have hobbies or even buy things that would cheer you up and make you happy.  Lets say you save money for years....during that time, what are you doing on your spare time that doesnt cost money?

    Golf costs money.  Travel costs money.  Going to the bar costs money.  Just driving around and sight-seeing costs money.  Everything entertaining or worthwhile costs money.

    Renting a storage space to store your items might be okay if you dont have a place to put everything.  If you dont have the money to go on vacations and have to live on a friends couch then why do you have so many things as it is to need storage space?

    Saving up money.....I told you what I think about that.

    You should get a decent job first and then think about seeing the world.  The best way to get a decent job is through college.

    Most of all, staying at your friends house without helping them pay the rent just doesnt sound right.  If you are going to help with the payments then you might as well just get an apartment where you can keep your stuff inside without worrying about water leakage in your storage space when there is a storm.

  5. Its a great awesome idea in theory.

    Doesnt really work in real life though.  In real life, your friends are going to get tired of you mooching off them.  And thats exactly what will happen.  You may say you will help pay your part, but if that were really true, you would get a roomate and a small apt or live alone in a studio apt.  What happens when you are in an arguement with all of your friends, then where do you go?

    If its what you want to do, even if it was my child there isnt a lot I can do to stop you, but, as I said, it doesnt work in real life.  You can give it a go, but I can almost promise that in less than 6 months you will be looking for a place of your own, or have a lot of friends ticked off at you.

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