
What would you trade your cat for?

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A Gracie pome

by C.S. Scotkin

Gracie, mah sugah kitty,

here’s a li’l Southern ditty,

you break one more lamp, mah pretty,

I’m trading you for a li’l bitty





  1. lol you and your cat stories, they always make me laugh or smile.

    Well at least your cat isn`t making potty on your blankey. Yupper thats what my cat did, and guess what....?

    The vet said he suffered from anxiety; isn`t it bad enough I suffer from it!!

  2. A cat you may love

    but a's truest friend

    goes gets the paper!

    Funny little rhyming piece you penned.  I sticking with my dog!

  3. Ma beloved,

    Oh I do declare

    with those

    Beautiful big eyes and

    that long, lucious hair

    So graceful and sleek

    When you move that

    wistful mouth

    to speak

    my knees go weak

    You meet me

    At the end of a day

    never a harsh word

    only love coming

    my way

    What's that,

    what you say?

    No silly cat

    There's no way!

    You are NOT

    having my dinner!

    Now shut those

    pleading eyes

    this second!

    All right! just one....

    Cats 1 human 0

    Well done CS!

  4. Leon broke a piece of art glass by Tapio Wirkkala. We almost had cat stew for dinner that night. If I had not bought the thing at a yard sale for fifty Antiques Roadshow moment, shattered on the only hard floor in the entire house.

  5. Whoopee is the best-behaved cat who has ever owned me. Aside from being jealous of the computer and whining for a few minutes every time I sit down to open it, she's an angel. Give me Gracie for a few days; maybe she needs to be taught a few things!

  6. That, or call your local loup garoux. I can hook you up with a guy who has gators if you so desire. (Kidding). I love this poem, and I wish you luck with your lamps and feline mischief makers.  

  7. Poor Gracie!  In disgracie!

    All my cat years, never had one break anything.  Now my dogs...well, that's a bit of a different answer.  Now, having both (though not together as yet) believe they'd like to break one another.

  8. I cannot remember how many times my cat broke something of mine--My sister took a liking to him, so he now calls her place home :)

    Its a cute poem, I am doing it in a sourthern accent right now

  9. My cat my cat

    My gosh your fat

  10. Cute poem!

    I love my cat (3 in the house, only one "mine") so much, I wouldn't trade her unless someone offered me 'a brand new car' for her......LOL!!

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