
What would you want for a prize?

by Guest60428  |  earlier

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We run various promotions for our sales team: If they sell seven they get a prize (usually $100) and if they sell over 15 (usually $300). These are the amounts we are willing to spend on prizes. Tell me what you would want to get for this amount of money. So far I am thinking $100 Gas Card, and then a Garmin GPS System for the larger prize. Thanks in advance.




  1. That sounds like a great idea go for it

  2. A shopping voucher - for food shopping.

  3. i like the gas card idea. totally awesome. Maybe instead of the GPS system though you could give a gift card of about $300 to Best Buy or target or something. People like when they can choose what they get.

  4. A gift card's a good idea.  For prizes that we give out, we usually like it to be a tangible (ipod, iphone, dvd player, blackberry, bbq, etc.) but it is hard to know what people already have (you might want to have a selection, and let the sales prize winner pick from a 'catalogue' that you've created - you don't have to buy the gift until they pick it, just use an image of the prize).  I love your idea of the GPS system (I might borrow that one).  The reason for the tangible prize/gift is that its a more permanent reminder of the reward - the problem for me with a consumable like gas or dinner or coffee cards is that once it's gone it's kind of forgotten.  But on the other hand, a gift or prize of any kind is usually well received.

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