
What would you want to see on a Jamaican website?

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I am helping to develop a jamaican website about culture, entertainment, places to see etc. I wanted to make it interesting so I wanted to know what you would want to see on a jamaican website of this nature.




  1. Bob D is a loser ! What is he doing in the Jamaica section if he don't like Jamaica ? He dosen't even know Jamaica like everyone else here.

    Every country has it's faults so no country is perfect. Every country is unsafe. Anything can happen to you at anytime cause there are some crazy people in this world. Jamaica is a very beautiful country !

    Okay now that I got that out of my system I think you should have the :

    latest dancehall/reggae music

    what's currently going on in jamaica ( updates weekly)

    exotic jamaican foods ( recipes )

    latest dances

    interviews with jamaican people or just people

    hot gyal of the week

    hot guy of the week

    ( If I can think of anymore I'll edit this answer or email it to you. )

    Wow ! This is a cool idea. Your making me wanna do it now. I would'nt mind helping you with it. Good luck with everything and I hope I helped !

  2. In addition to the obvious....places to go, things to do, where to rent cars, hotels, and all the GOOD stuff, I'm sure people that have NEVER been there would want to know what NOT to do, where NOT to go, how to handle beggers, things to be careful of, and overall, how to be safe.

    So much is said about Jamaica that its friendly, lovely, wonderful....but less is said to prepare newbees. Thats why some tourists go there & hate it...they are unaware of the negative things & are put off by it and swear never to return.

    I know ppl on this site don't like what I write in my answers, but I'm being REAL !! They know it too & hate that I'm telling the truth about JA. But the ppl who haven't been there NEED to know the good, the bad, and the ugly !


    This part is for Ghetto & Tamika:

    I never said I hate JA....this Y!A is to give honest answers, and i'm doing THAT...since everyone wants to tell all the positive, without the negative, thats FAKE ! Michelle is the only one here to tell the truth, if its good or bad....

    And yes, I know Jamaica VERY well...why do you think I know all the things your embarrassed about ?? In fact, I'm a better source, as I've lived there & here, so I see the differences ALOT better.

    And to the haters: Its funny when a Jamaican doesn't like what you say, they curse you instead of debating...LOL ! I'm surprised no ones called me a bottibwoy...when you have no arguement, its easier to lash out with cursing, huh ?

    And as far as the "In god we trust" on our money..that was on our 1st money when our country was it stayed. But where the school is concerned, our forefathers decided NOT to go the way of our oppressors & impose their beliefs on everyone ( the way the Queen has done to JA 400 years ago ). So no hypocritism there.

    And yes, our polititians say one thing & do does every polititian around the world ! But our democrats don't go out and KILL our republicans or vice versa as does the PLP with the JLP and vice versa...simply because of green or orange !

    And yes, Bush started a war to get rid of the madman Hussain. Regardless of the intent or reason, it was a good thing...he had exterminated thousands of his own people, and killed anyone that talked bad about him. Can you imagine PJ doing that there ?? Over 10 years he was in office, killing off the rastas because he didn't like them & their beliefs ??? And everytime you said bad things about PJ, you disappeared or your family members disappeared ??

    I know this is not the forum to discuss these things, so my apoligies. But if you don't like the things I write in the answers, email me ! I don't hide my contact info as YOU have.

  3. Local customs, recipes, out of the way places to visit...

  4. Places to rent in Jamaica

    Where r u from Bob D?

  5. All the tourist attractions

    Pictures of the beautiful views

    Pictures of Jamaican people living in their environment

    A little description about the history

  6. Places to stay,historical sites especialy Bob marley's.

    Where to find the best weed!

  7. so bob d .....................if someone wanted to start a website about america,  wud it be ok if people put the names of the donkey vomits and horse comes we've had as presidents in the past?  Would we tell how bush started the war in iraq?  not every country is daises and roses including this one.  I go to jamaica every summer and my uncle's house there is not as big as ours here but people dont try to stab me every where i go.  b-cuz that is the not so ghetto part of jamaica.  there are sum bad parts of america as well.

  8. Our local fishermen and some of their daily activities,

    fishing in the Kingston and Port Royal harbours

    bob di dimwitt,  SHUT YUH RASS, nobody ask yuh fi mek a negative comment, crawl up bak unda whey yuh come fram an die yuh ole jancro faart,

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