
What would you wear with this hollister sweater ?

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its not a full sleeve

its like a quarter sleeve

what would you wear with it?




  1. woah! i have that but with a lil bow thingy on it!

    a pair of jeans and a bright tank top under neath it to bright 'en it up a lil

    (thats wat i wear with it)!

  2. umm...a brown depends on what color you get. You can always get jeans. Maybe skinny jeans or maybe boot cut. If you get it in white,pink,brown,or yellow- I would wear it with like tan pants.

    as far as shoes, you could wear converse but i prefer flats! or maybe flip flops but i dont think so because it looks like a winter sweater. Or you could wear like Uggs or boots that look like Uggs!!

  3. like a pink tank top under it!!and skinny leg jeans and a pair of silver flats!!

  4. uhhh.. a duct tape skirt and two differnt color converse.

  5. tank tops, Cami's and maybe with a skirt or just jeans.

  6. wut i would wear would be a white tang top

  7. wouldnt wear it cause im a guy

  8. i would wear a tank top,cami, or a lace.

  9. lace tank top underneath...any color of your preference

  10. Leggings as much as people might hate it or love it is making a comeback thanks to hollyweird. I can rock some leggings with that sweater and some Prada flats, and the accessories would be the stone necklaces. It all depends on what flatters your figure. I can rock that sweater out the ballpark though.  

  11. Cute.I'd wear some kind of lace cami and skinny jeans or just jeans period and some flats.

  12. i would wear a tank top with it.and wear skinny jeansplease answer mines::;...

  13. how about trying to stand out. like wear something no one else wears.

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