
What would you wish you had no fear of?

by Guest60267  |  earlier

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  1. rats, i"m petrified of them

  2. Losing people i love

    I've never lost anyone (Mashallah) But i'm scared for when it happens.

  3. It worrys me that you Muslims and your 'religion of peace' will be the cause of the end of the world.

  4. The dark. Yes, sometimes i am afraid of the dark.

    @Sarah- Why would you say that?

  5. Extreme deprivation

  6. I can't say

  7. spiderz... n any other insects scream like anything....

  8. failure

  9. spiders and heights

  10. Spiders. We have a huge garden full of trees and at this time of year they begin to fill up with those fat stripy things. Webs everywhere. Across your face just walking through it at night. Webs on every window. I am soooo scared of them.

    In the last house they were gigantic black things that shifted when they ran. If you messed with them or unwittingly put your fingers by a web they bit you. Bloody awful things!!!!

  11. Wars , ugly faces & last breath in me life.

  12. Omg @ Sarah.........


  13. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ...WASPS..!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. exams  

  15. Heights

  16. my husband's driving

    he alway hits the curbs

    that's why i always want to drive

    it really is a white knuckle ride for me being the passenger


  17. Physical and emotional pain definitely the thought of pain slowly eating away at me...scares me!!

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