
What would you women do if you discovered your husband was ....?

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secretly having s*x with men?

Researchers have found that a small but significant minority of married men regularly have s*x with men, although they don't necessarily identify with the g*y community.

[I couldn't find a useful link on this topic, but my interest was sparked by an Australian magazine article, "Fairytale Marriage" by Greg Bearup, published today in the Melbourne Age and the Sydney Morning Herald.]

The men in the article wanted to stay married until their wives found out about their secret homosexual lives. Some of the wives contracted HIV from their husbands. The women were astonished and totally unaware of their husbands' bisexuality.

What would you do if this happened to you?




  1. I would murder him in cold blood if I found out he gave me HIV!

  2. That'll be a laugh. Trust me it won't ever happen; he's not into men.

  3. My friend's dad announced that her was g*y and that he was leaving, not only that he was taking a vow of celibacy and joining a hindu cult.

    Quite a suprise.

  4. Cheating is cheating. Out the door with him.


    Well honestly, as a heterosexual person, if I found out my husband was cheating on me with another man I don't even think I could be angry, I would just be completely devastated. I don't know, I've just always felt like that's one of the ultimate burns in a heterosexual relationship, to be cheated on or left for someone of the same s*x. I'm pretty sure I'd just loose all confidence in myself and my ability to keep a man satisfied.

  6. I'm bisexual and am totally honest with my partner about it-and I am into monogamous relationships. So if he was lying about his bisexuality I'd be po'ed-that he lied, not that he was bisexual. If he was fooling around with men (or women) on a regular basis and using unsafe s*x-he'd be out the door. I'm not going to end a great relationship over one or two indiscretions, but unsafe s*x? No way would I put up with that, that is the behavior of a selfish and irresponsible person.

    In my opinion these guys are mentally ill if they not only would risk their own lives but those of their wives because they hate their bisexuality.Same goes for women who would risk their partner's health as well-it's selfish to the nth degree.  

  7. scream at him and say..." i cant believe you....

    Didnt let me join in!" would be over.

  8. If he's cheating, he's cheating and has to go.

    If he gave me HIV, he'd be killed.

  9. The only thing I want to say about this stupid question is:

    HIV can be just as easily contracted from affairs with another WOMAN as a man.

    Just because someone is g*y doesn't *automatically* mean they have or will get HIV/Aids.

    Added:  My comment about AIDS wasn't directed to you alone, but to everyone else who answered and *seemed* to imply that g*y s*x always = AIDS.  

    As for the part about being your point of view as a " soccer mum" whose husband has her convinced she's living a totally normal life...  I don't even understand what the heck that means.  Is YOUR husband cheating on you with another man??  :: shakes head::   If not, then what are you talking about?

  10. wow...its hard saying...especially if i got HIV. id probably kick his @***!!! and then kick him out the door...

  11. "Some of the wives contracted HIV from their husbands."

    its time this kind of behaviour was considered attempted murder, or at least GBH. grrrrrrrr

  12. Break up, cheating is cheating.  

  13. I'm afraid that's a zero tolerance factor with me. If he wants to sleep with men, fine. But at least have the balls and respect to break it off with me so we can live how we want instead of living a lie.

  14. Personally, I don't wanta relationship with someone I can't trust, so if that had been going on beyond my back that would be a relationship-ender for me.

    Further to the facts and figures, a woman I know through a friend actually works as an outreach worker for married men who have s*x with men, in order to get them to use protection or open up to their wives about it so the wife can protect herself.

    So yeah, no idea what percentage/numbers are are out there, but enough to warrant a full time employed outreach worker (this is in Sydney).

    Cheers :-)

  15. I'd leave him of course.

    Infidelity is infidelity.

  16. Let him go.  

  17. It happened to my (then) sister-in-law: "Oops honey, you're home early aren't you...". The couple divorced.  The Greek community is pretty macho, and (certainly in those days) g*y men were far less likely to leave the security of the closet.  

    Which is kind of ironic, actually..


    Anyway, like her I would feel betrayed so "bye-bye".

  18. Yes, and there's also studies that claim that a "small but significant minority" of women are part of a secret coven out to destroy society as we know it and enslave men.

    Does it mean you should listen to it.

    Still, if i found out my girlfriend was having L*****n affairs i'd tell her to fck off.

    g*y s*x is still s*x :P

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