
What would your do and be honest?

by  |  earlier

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i was shopping and this little boy cursed his mommmms out because he couldn't get what he wanted and she told him i'm going to put u in the corner when we get home.

i just smh and said r u serious. its like your tellin him its ok to do what he wants to her or anyone




  1. My 3 year old threw 1 fit un public about 6 months ago. My husband picked him up and started walking to the car. Just dropped everything we were looking at and walked off. When we got to the car he spanked him. (no not abused him just a pop on the butt to get the point across) Then he put him in his booster seat and we went home. He didn't get the toy we were looking at or anything else. I DO NOT believe in abusing a child but spanking is different. I was spanked when i was a kid and i didn't do it again. i learned. people's discipline of their children is almost comical now. taking away toys, timeout, and standing in the corner is useless. all the kid is thinking is ok what's the worst that can happen, so i don't get to play for a while. then i can go do whatever i want. who cares. but if they think they'll get a spanking they're less likely to act out. and look at the kids of this newest generation who never got a spanking before. they're 13 or younger out shooting people and yes even raping kids.

  2. She probably didn't want to scold him in public. A lot of parents are afraid of doing so nowadays when the tiniest thing can be turned into child abuse.

    I personally would have taken him out of the store and talked to him about it in the car.

  3. my grandma has done this with my 5yo cousin. it annoys me that she doesnt care

  4. if my son talks to me in a disrespectful manner, he gets popped in the mouth, in front of anyone who wants to see,  period. he hasn't done it for 3 years, so it must have worked. if he is little and throwing a fit, i would stop what i was doing, and take him to the bathroom., and spank if nessecary. although before i usually get to the bathroom, my kids are usually better.just me noticing that they are doing something wrong, stops them pretty quick. but i make it sting and it hurts their feelings. if you don't stop things like this early, it will only get worse and worse. everyone has thier own discapline  techniques. those have always worked for me. -my kids are 12,12, & 8 and now, i just have to give them a hard stare and they swallow hard. hee-hee- by the way, if they want to act up in public, the best way to stop them is in public. the embarrassment of having to be punished in front of someone is usually worse for them than the punishment itself!!!

  5. I agree with GOING ON 3 IT'S A BOY.

  6. If I was standing close by, I might put an exaggerated very shocked look on my face, and look straight at the boy and say "Young man, you should not speak to your mother that way!" and move on rather quickly.

    It might shock him and get his attention to realize that his behavior is so out of line that a complete STRANGER would speak to him about it.

  7. I would leave my cart right there.............pick up the child........and go to the car...........On the drive home, when things calm down.......I would tell the child how embarrased I was and that kind of behavior is not acceptable.

  8. its kind of embarassing in public to scold children, but if I was a parent, when I got home I would have slapped him and lectured him on how bad what he did was

  9. I would have took him outside and or to the bathroom and probably spanked him. I will not be treated with disrespect under any circumstances anywhere. If I am, then there will be immediate punishment. I understand not doing it in public, but take him to a private place

  10. People are really anti spanking and get in an uproar over seeing someone do it. Although I don't believe in violence against children, I think a little smack on the rear is sometimes warranted.

  11. No, it's not like she is telling him it is okay at all. She said she was going to punish him when she got home. What would you have rather she did, spank him in the shop? She couldn't have done a lot under those circumstances, she could have removed him and left the shop, but I don't know what tone of voice she used or whether he responded. Everyone disciplines their children differently and it isn't the business of anyone else, really.

  12. Wow. Kids...I would give him a pinch and there would be yet to come at home:

    No TV, Computer, or friends for 1 month, a spanking and a yelling...

  13. Just one more to add to the list of "shouldn't be" parents. I don't know. Some people just lack brain function or something. Thats ridiculous. I'd have left the store right then and there, came home and stripped the kids room bare to the furnature and clothes, and sold everything of theirs. Exluding photos or irreplacable items to be put in storage. they'd be "grounded" for a while, no toys, no tv, no nothing. After spending a couple weeks writing "I'm sorry mom, I won't use fowl language and act like that again", all day long. I'd hope they got the freaking point that c**p won't fly.

    To say I'll put you in time out, is for like not putting your dishes in the sink when asked. Not for blantant dissrespect and cursing because they didn't get their way. That would be big time loss of everything at our house.

  14. I guarantee you that this child has heard his parents curse each other on far too many occasions.  After all, children will mimic whatever they see and/or hear in what they know and consider as a "normal" family and socially acceptable environment.  The parents are the ones that should be scolded, spanked, put in a corner or whatever punishment is appropriate for allowing their children to subjected to such negative behavior.  

    It may seem trite in todays' society, but the best way to be a positive influence on a child, teenager, and, yes, even adults is to lead by example.  Don't just say it--act it, and live it.

  15. I would have grabbed his hand firmly (not to hurt him) to get his attention and I would say in the most authoritative voice I could muster that he is not to speak to me that way ever again. If he does then there will be a punishment for it.

    I would say just because you want this doesn't mean that you can have it. It does not work that way.

    If he persists then I say, we are going home and you are going to be sitting in a chair for a while until your behavior and attitude changes. I want to hear a real apology.

  16. Punishing your child in public is probably the worst thing you can do. They don't respond well when other people are around that they don't know. What I would have done depends a lot on the child's age.

    I probably would have taken him out to the car or bathroom (not the ones with stalls, but one of those family bathrooms) and talked to him there. If that wasn't possible I'd take him to a corner where we could talk without everyone staring.

    If he was older, he'd be grounded afterwards. If the child were young, then time out when you get home will probably be the best thing. BUT you must remember to explain why he's in time out because often times young children will forget why they are in trouble, and the punishment becomes pointless.

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