
What would your dream guy / girl look like ?

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What would your dream guy / girl look like ?




  1. LL Cool J

  2. She is human being, slim and average, good figure, soft speak, gentle spirit and humble nature, after all loving person. or anything else....

  3. My dream guy.. Hmm..

    Tall, skinny but generally built big.

    long brown or black hair that is pushed to the side [kind of like Trace Cyrus' hair in the shake it video.]

    He'd have snake bite piercings and a pierced eyebrow.

    And a few unique tattoos dispersed around somewhere not to showy.

    And he'd wear tight pants because that's ******* hot.

    And he'd have amazing light light blue eyes.

    And skinny lips. I don't like it when guys have big lips.

    And a kind of pointy, defined nose.

  4. Human!

  5. extremely ugly face and suuuper fat!!!

  6. i like them short, i think its cute


    dark hair

    dark eyes

    preferably a mix of different races

    fashionably loud

    unique hair style

    little or no make-up

  7. You asked for it, lol.

    Dark hair, lip ring(s), silly smile/cheezy grin, and haunting eyes.

  8. lil me crush hehe

  9. My dream girl would have light to medium brown skin, light brown eyes, long curly hair, and she would be pretty tall. She would have to be confident, and in charge, and know what she wants. I also like piercings and tatoos... um. yeah. She could dress butchy or feminine.. wouldn't matter. And we could talk on the phone for HOURS.  :)

    Body wise... she has to have meat on her bones!

  10. like really really hot and buff

  11. He'd be the kind of dork that would hold my hand all the time =] and he would have brown shaggy hair but NOT gross. white teeth. muscles. no preference on weight


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