
What would your first order of business be if you were elected president?

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What would your first order of business be if you were elected president?




  1. Great question ! First I would find some way to charge G W Bush & D Cheney with treason & war crimes and prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.

    Secondly,I would force Halliburton to pay back the $billions of dollars that Bush & Cheney have given them.

    Third,I would sign an executive order that would say no sitting president can hide,conceal or seal his presidential records.

    In other words I would reverse everything Bush has done to this country & it's people.

  2. Order the DOJ to launch a full and exhaustive investigation of the Bush administration!

  3. work force, i would immediatly take away lots of safe guards so our work force would start to actually compete.  also take away welfare (except for extreme need)

  4. Round up ALL the illegals and send them home.  Place a hundred dollars bounty/finders fee on them......(that would be a job Americans will

    Seal up the Mexican-USA border so tight that a fruit fly couldn't get across.

  5. Reduce Federal government by 50%.

  6. Issue a Presidential pardon to the entire prison population serving time for marijuana possession under 10lbs, thats right 10lbs.

  7. Have s*x with the hottest gal of those wanting to have s*x with the President.

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