
What would your idea be for a animated film?

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Ok imagine pixar have asked you to write a script for a new animated movie and it has to be ground breaking and unique. Bearing in mind that pixar movies like to carry a message.

Toy story- Friendship prevails over evil (sid LOL)

Monsters Inc- Even monsters can work hard and be committed

Wall E- Anyone or anything can experience love

Finding nemo- Love for your children means you would do anything

So just put the setting and what it would be about and the message it would try to convey to the audience. Best answer for the most unique and original.




  1. I would like to make an animated film with the Graphics of Finding Nemo (The best out of your options), and a storyline such as the one of the "Dark Knight" that captivates, inspires, and impresses a diverse audience, I'd have to tone it down for the Disney viewers, that usually are Family-oriented, but it would be pretty cool....maybe it would be a mix of Wall-e, Toy Story, and the Incredibles.

  2. A movie about a european dog that travels to Iran and become arrested by IRGC ( having pets like dog is banned in Iran). dog of our story starts to enlight other dogs about their missed rights in Iran. they begin by going on strike and l*****g Iranian children faces!( any contact with dogs is Banned in islam) they become unified and setup a revolution against Iranian people and government!!!

  3. about me- some people are very uninteresting  

  4. i would write about a dog that lived in a garbage can: the message would be: i am a poor dog

  5. OK Its about A fat kid who has a over the top sense of justice and tries to help people however is never thanked or commended for his deeds (because he is fat) well to fit in he stars being an *** to everyone (he gets popular) then he starts doing drugs drinking smoking crack acid (the fun stuff) due to the damage his brain endures he losses his ability to make sense of things and starts having mass hallucinations...He gets use to the hallucinations and learns to decrypt them from reality however still from time to time reacts according to these episodes...Always being abused by his peers for being crazy on top of ugly he becomes a hikiamori (i think that's how you spell it a person who doesn't go out side or talk to people) this added onto his conditions makes it impossible to determine between the two day he coming back from the store and looks down an alley way were someone is getting raped acting on his sense of justice he goes to help the victim he save him/her they become friends and one day this person brings him to a society meeting turns out that the person he saved is part of the occult and is a Satan worshiper by this time its to late to salvage the character he ends up getting dragged into this dark and evil world were he rapes kills tortures mass murder orgies at his own discretion by the end of the series/movie he become extremely powerful and gets what ever he wants he eventually dies from someone who was just like him when he was little he asks god for forgiveness and god sends him straight to h**l...and it turns out that he wasn't crazy just that everyone else were completely deprived of morals... Title: Whatever happened to (*insert Name of Main Character*)

    You decide the time frames for this story

    and the message of the story is Be yourself or you'll go to h**l and I think pixstar should do this to break their damned mold that they are stuck in

    *Paten Pending*

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