
What would your ideal profession be ??

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What would your ideal profession be ??




  1. Analyst in a think tank.

    It's collaborative (which I love). You take up important questions, read broadly as to what the latest, best thinking it in a variety of pertinent fields and analyze the h**l out of it, then synthesize the results, applying it to the question or problem, and produce reports that tell everyone what to do.

    What could POSSIBLY be better than THAT?

  2. Would love to work in a Zoo, love animals so that would be my ideal profession......

    Oh or an alcohol tester... hiccup

  3. Cardiac technologist / physiotherapist / radiographer something in the medical feild so i could help everyday people out. Just able to make a tiny difference would be good.

  4. Chief chocolate taster

  5. A rockstar, a rokstar, a rocstar, and a rock*.

  6. Retired on 50k a year

  7. Close call between travel show presenter and interior designer.

  8. shirtmaker for the hulk.

  9. My ideal profession would be to work in Forensic science and work with DNA and solving crimes.Interesting.

  10. MY IDEAl Profession are the following:


    ARCHITECTURE= design houses and helps community in every family to have a pretty house . Like a DREAM House!


    CIVIL ENGINEER=I want to consturct build roads, buildings, churches, malls, condominium, hotels, and also houses.


    INTERIOR DESIGNER= You know im FAshionista!!! I want to design everything about nature,buildings,houses etc!!!

  11. A successful writer.

  12. a fashion writer or journalist or own my own shop full of books and knick knacks :D

  13. I am in my ideal profession!!! I'm a Mommy!

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