
What would your invention be?

by Guest45457  |  earlier

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If you had any thing you needed tom invent something, what would it be?




  1. Robot land-mine detector/remover.

  2. a solid hologram macine so you could leave it somewhere

    and if they touch it it feels real very useful

    or a anti gav for shopping

    or even better a cure for all desiese ect.

  3. A tablet you could take that would make your farts really stinky.

  4. Anti-gravity machine.

  5. A teleportation device.

  6. A coffee filter dispenser. You know how it is getting those to separate? Ya, you can wet your fingers tho.

  7. a machine to let you live as long as you want and the age you want

  8. A people cloner  so I can send myself to work and stay home at the same time...

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