
What would your last meal and drink be if you could have any meal and drink before you die?

by  |  earlier

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What would you choose as your last meal and drink if you were going to die of terminal illness or be executed in a few hours?

Mine would be chicken kievs with lasagne on the side with some Coke/Coke Zero.

What would yours be?




  1. Pasta! I love it!!!

  2. I'd have to go with something stupid if I was going to be executed, so I will have to say rice. A great big, sorry huge bowl of rice, and then ask for chopsticks deliberately cos I can't use them lol that way I'd get to stay alive longer.

    EDIT: Also if I had a group of people waiting for me to finish the rice I'd ask for a little music to be played too, and the obvious choice would be Staying Alive by the Bee Gees just to annoy them !

  3. Boxed macaroni & cheese and lime kool-aid.

  4. Cold beer and meat pie with tomatoe sauce

  5. A big margarita to wash down the following:

    Steamed fiddleheads with balsamic vinegar

    and a Whopper with cheese and extra pickles!

  6. Well, if I knew it was going to be my last meal...I'd be far too nervous to, besides, there are far too many favourite foods to choose only a few...

  7. A comfort food from my youth..........a big pile of mashed potatoes with a hole in the middle, filled with with turkey & gravy.

  8. Pizza & Soda

  9. chris brown or omarion

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