
What would your prefer the C-17 or the An-125-150-100M. explane why your choice?

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What would your prefer the C-17 or the An-125-150-100M. explane why your choice?




  1. The C-17 hands down.


    First, I'm a pilot.  I've seen it up close, and know the benefits it offers pilots.

    Second, I've talked to the pilots who fly them.  They are very impressed.

    Third, my ex works for Boeing, and has for nearly twenty years.  I remember when Boeing came out with the plane, etc., through her.  Great plane.

    Fourth, I know a lot of the specs.  It's a true workhorse.

    In summary, it's built here, by a company who knows their stuff, it's got great capabilities, and is respected by the men and women who fly them.  What more could you want?

  2. i would prefer the globemaster and the AN 124 ruslan of course well aside from its performance, it can also land on a short runway like here ZAM/RPMZ our airport runway is only 2910 meters  long

  3. The C-17 because it can fly circles around the AN124

  4. C-17, Just watch the Jet Jockeys fly them, they love them. The C-17 out performs all of them. I live near an AFR base that has C-17's, the pilots are constantly practicing over my home. I watch these guys daily and the Globemaster is Fat and beautiful, very graceful. This afternoon I watched a pilot take off from 1350 ft ASL to 6500 ASL in less than a minute and then roll it over into a dive back to the pattern in about the same amount of time just to grease it in for a smooth and graceful 160 Kt. touch & go. and then he did it all over again a few more times, I only wish I could set in the flight deck with them.

  5. When I was in college running track the C-17s being test flown after final assembly would skim right over our heads on final approach into Long Beach.  Beautiful.  I wouldn't mind flying one of those babies.

  6. The C-17 for its versatility and its battle support roles. It also scores in the maintenance sector with guaranteed minimal attention required during operations. A crew of only 3 people and its ability to operate from primitive operating fields makes it an ideal front line heavy. The only place is loses to the Antonov is the load capacity (only 50%). From what I understand, the C-17 is a beauty to fly and is loved by its pilots as well.

  7. Personally the AN-124.

    This simply because it is such a large aircraft, and it's reliability and durability has been proven over a very long service life so far.

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