
What would your reaction be?`

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If archaeologists were to discover other chapters of the Quran and they were investigated and were seen as authentic. Would they be included into the Quran?

This is just a hypothetical question by the way. So do not think I am trying to bash Islam or whatever.

I just want your PERSONAL opinions.

Thank You In Advance





  1. In 1972 archaelogists in Sana'a Yemeon found one of the oldest quran in existence. It differs from today's quran. It's not open to the public so it's hard to comment on.

  2. Knowing muslims, I'd imagine there would be a divide among the "ummah" and then all out war.

  3. Qur'an is completed .... nothing to add nothing to remove...

  4. O hai dis iz nt possible Quran hz bin perfected!

  5. my bersonal view is that Quran is a comblete book.

  6. Archeology discovers stuff that was lost and forgotten.

    Quran was never lost, it has been kept safe and authentic because generations of different people memorized it by heart.

    besides, linguistic and numerical studies of the Quran affirm that adding just one letter to the Quran will make it inconsistent.

    the authenticity of the Quran is not debatable because its a scientific fact.

    when facts are reached, no more hypothesis are allowed.

    its like you're asking if 1+1=3 were to be discovered or proved.

  7. no !we are not imaginative!

    if any one will discover any thing like that ,i will say they are planning some thing against islam so we should be careful.

  8. Not really.....Allah(swt) says in Al Maida,verse no3

    "today have I perfected your religious law for you, and have bestowed upon you the full measure of My blessings, and willed that self-surrender unto Me shall be your religion. "

    So i beleive that Islam has been completely presented......

  9. No, because Allah has told us that He will protect the Qu'ran so that it will not be corrupted, lost or altered.  

    Further, God has completed His revealed guidance through Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him):

    In the Qu'ran, Allah (swt) says:

    {Today I have perfected your Faith for you, and have completed my bounty upon you} (Al-Ma’idah 5: 3)

  10. Allah has Revealed the Quran and He Protected all of it , THe Quran is Complete, no more room for Hypothesis  

  11. I hope it corrects the age of aisha.the so called prophet muhammad,married her when she was 6 years old,and had s*x with her when she was 9,he was 54,is that sick or what?

  12. As a follower of Islam, every Muslim has this belief that Quran is complete and it'll be guarded by God himself till the doomsday, no matter what the situation. Since, this is one of the basic beliefs of Islam, every Muslim (including me) would certainly reject such things and will not include it in quran.

  13. Hypothetically speaking, I wouldn't think they'd be able to actually PROVE that it belongs to the Qur'an and even if such allegation is to be made, I wouldn't believe it. It is just like the case of Rashid Khalifa or whatever his name was.

    ADDITION - Nice World:

    You can very well read the Wikipedia article to see that there actually isn't any different in words. I don't know why you said something and the Wiki article says something else...

  14. We dont care about the authentication of archeologists. That's not a measure of truth. Because a person may have written some text (such as Khomaynee) and claimed it's the Qur'aanic chapters that are missing, now or centuries ago. But the science of Hadeeth is what we use to verify it. Hundreds of thousands of scholars have narrated the Qur'aan in their books, through their memorization and teaching and many other methods. So it's impossible to have new chapters pop up. There are many means of authentication within the science of Hadeeth, so it doesnt mean much if some guy digs up a piece of manuscript and claims it's a missing piece of the Qur'aan.  

  15. the way Quran was preserved and transferred over the centuries and over the world, makes your question only fictional.

    Quran was not transferred by papers only, but was transferred by hearts. In Islam there is the culture of "Quran memorizers". Today, there are thousands of people who memorize Quran all over the world.

    When prophet died, there were many memorizers of Quran. And it was written at the same time. So, one would memorize from papers, then go and revise that with a memorizer. It is not only to check word by word, but the pronounciation of every single letter. So, no meaning is changed.

    And these people transferred that into the next generation. Today, the good memorizer of Quran can go to one of the well known memorizers who have "sanad mottasel" which means "attached chain".

    These are the people who are sure got their Quran memorizing check over that chain that goes to the prophet. The chain today ranges between 27 to 28 chains.

    So, back to your question, if some archeological had a discovery, it would mean 2 things:

    1. They were lying, trying to confuse the muslims, so, no one will take them seriously.

    2. The ones who wrote that peice of paper 100s of years ago were the lying ones, and most likely they hide it coz they failed to accomplish that mission. So, obviously no one will take them seriously.

  16. On Hajjat-ul-Widda, last ayat of Qur'an revealed in which Allah said:

    "This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion. "(5:3)

    So, there's no doubt that Qur'an is complete and for those who have any doubts, Allah says about them in Surah Al-Baqarah:

    "(2) This is the Book; in it is guidance sure, without doubt, to those who fear Allah. (3) Who believe in the Unseen, are steadfast in prayer, and spend out of what We have provided for them; (4) And who believe in the Revelation sent to thee, and sent before thy time, and (in their hearts) have the assurance of the Hereafter. (5) They are on (true) guidance, from their Lord, and it is these who will prosper. (6) As to those who reject Faith, it is the same to them whether thou warn them or do not warn them; they will not believe. (7) Allah hath set a seal on their hearts and on their hearing, and on their eyes is a veil; great is the penalty they (incur)."  

  17. OK, you used a good words like "if" "hypothetical" and "PERSONAL", really I don't have a good answer for you, but I just wanna to say thanks for your selected sentences.

  18. Hypothetically also this not possible .  So, Don't even think of it.

  19. This would never ever happen so no need to think about it and waste your precious time with these ridiculous questions. Please look for something better to do.

    Good luck:) you will need it!!!

  20. archaeologists? they dug and found some texts that believed to be from the quran?:P

    ok,hyphypothetically, i would not agree it would be added,i am certain that the quran is complete that way,if sth was missing,it would have been known...

  21. This aint gonna happen because Quran is revealed and guarded by Allah. As it is said in Quran:

    15 : 9 We have without doubt sent down the Message; and We will assuredly guard it.


    2:2 This is The Book without any doubt.

    So, I would not accept those fabricated chapters.

  22. hmm..speaking hypothetically,i'ld reject it n not add to my quran..

    bcoz I believe that Quran is complete

  23. The quran, was oral and written copies are according to that recitals at the time of prophet. still thousands know by heart. hypothetically suppose all copies destroyed somebody,then also we reproduce it as it was.Only one book there is no chapters added or subtracted. and there was no book named quran missed to find out after so many years.

    is this a plan by non muslims? do they have some method to make matterials old?  

  24. Would not accept it obviously.. nothing can be added since the Quran just like The bible for Catholics, is completed..

  25. No way. I wouldn't accept them by any means. They surely would be false

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