
What would your significant other have to do to get you to the point of cutting them loose forever?

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What would your significant other have to do to get you to the point of cutting them loose forever?




  1. number one. Harm my children in any way.

    Two. cheat

    I may get over the cheating but I would never forgive him for hurting one of my kids.

  2. cheat one time and done!

  3. cheat on me

  4. Hit or Cheat

  5. i break up with someone when i feel i no longer love him, or think he no longer loves me, OR if it's too much work to be with them. if a guy cheats on me, i would probably forgive him the first time, 2nd time he's gone.

  6. try seducing their mother

  7. Pay for it with someone else.

  8. cheat on me, lie, or keep something very important from me

  9. cheat

  10. wake me up in the middle of the night to watch an oprah marathon

  11. Be unfaithful to me.

  12. dealing or taking drugs

  13. Hit Me or Cheat On Me.

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