
What would your teacher do if you, the student, told them you think you might have an eating disorder?

by  |  earlier

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Note the THINK.

I know they have a duty to tell, but. What really?




  1. If I have a duty to report something -- I report it.

  2. This actually happened to me the first year that I taught school. I was talking to another teacher in the school cafeteria and a student came up told us that.

    Our first response was to call the guidance councilor (who was also on lunch duty) over to asses that situation.

    Don't know what ever happened to the student either.

  3. They would send to to your counselor and them the school, would have to notify your parents. If you believe that you have an eatting disorder, you need to get help. It is nothing to be ashamed of, and you should take in yourself for taking such a step. Catching it now, will save you from a lot of medical treatment.

    Also, you might want to tell your mother - though you might think she will freak out - I doubt that she will - parents love your children unconditionally. Speaking as a parent, I would rather my daughter come to me, instead of someone else.

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