His career spanned from 3/17/1947- 9/21/1955 in actuality. We'll presume he fought the exact same career length, and kept the same weight (never over 192).
So it would have been from 3/17/1937-9/21/1945 if he was born 10 years earlier. James J. Braddock was the Champion for the first 3 months of this time. Since Marciano would not get a title shot that fast, we'll just say it was all Joe Louis as Champion. How would he have done against the Top 10 contenders of the era also? In the end, what would you guestimate his record to be?
Or if he was later it would be 3/17/1957-9/21/1965 if he was born 10 years younger. The Champions here are Floyd Patterson until June 1959. Ingemar Johansson for one year. Floyd Patterson until September 1962. Sonny Liston until February 1964. All Ali after that. How would he have done against the Top 10 contenders of the era also? In the end, what would you guestimate his record to be?