
What wrong when your eye twitches occaionally.?

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What wrong when your eye twitches occaionally.?




  1. that is normal i know a bunch of people that do that

  2. Is it your eye that twitches or your eyelid? Eyelid twitching is low grade muscle twitching. Typically it occurs as a result of caffeine, or even just from adrenaline released from exercise or fright.

  3. There's a lot of it about. "eye twitch" on Y!A search gives 2,485 results.

    It is basically stress and fatigue, but arranging a more relaxed lifesyle is often far from easy, however correct it is in principle.

    In some people there's a connection with marginally low potassium levels. Try drinking fresh tomato juice or eating bananas if you hate tomato juice.

  4. You have absolutly nothing to worry about, this is very common. I have experienced this alog with many of my friends. However somtimes it happens much more often than you like, and if you are "very concerned", i suggest getting a check up, or asking again on yahoo answers

  5. it's called a tic, and is just caused by stress apparently, althoguh I get them and I'm hardly ever stressed!I don't think it's anything to worry about though.

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