
What wrong with atheist beliefs?

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leave them alone if they don't belief in God!

i respect their right of what ever they belief!




  1. There can be only one.

    One Truth.

    I'm relaying the truth to those that will hear, or at least consider it.  I think it's important for everyone to know what the truth is.  I mean, if I think I have a truth that would save your life, wouldn't it be proper of me to tell you (like, smoking kills).

    Well, you can take it or leave it, but I'm telling you an eternal Truth.  I think atheists are dead wrong, and I will tell them, even if they don't like it, because I'm hoping, somewhere down the road, it will help them.

    God wants ALL of us in heaven.  This is NOT an I told you so situation.  This is humans helping fellow humans (with the help of God).

  2. What's wrong are the folks like Chris Hitchens and sardonic Sam Harris that say Christians do not deserve any respect.

    What's wrong is that a lot of people talk trash.

    Look at this:

    Matt Murray killed four people at two New Life Church facilities in Colorado. Murray said he hated Christians and that they were the "cause of all the problems of the world."

    That's what's wrong my friend.

    Best regards.

  3. Absolutely nothing is wrong with not believing in god.

  4. I agree. Unless your beliefs involve the systematic killing of other people such as what's going on in the Middle East, leave them all alone.

  5. In answer to your actual question, nothing.

    Its not a matter of mere belief, but its rather a matter of what is there evidence for, and what ISN'T there any evidence for.

    God is in the latter category. People who believe in things for which there is NO evidence at all for, are, well, willfully delusional.  

  6. Well, it would no longer be fun if the fundies stopped opening their traps, spewing fundie goodness.  

    So, no, let them be.  Let them attack, slander, misjudge and be ignorant.  It is fodder for our amusement.  And it keeps the fun going in these here parts.

  7. Nothing is wrong with atheist beliefs, despite what many claim (mostly Americans) a huge amount of people are atheists. I have met only a handful of Christians throughout my travels in Europe and Asia for example.

    The vast majority of the people that I know are atheists.

    It is much better to believe in truth than it is to believe in myth. Truth provides you with real answers, myth, just excuses and suppositions. Truth is freedom, myth just exerts control.

  8. There is nothing wrong with it.

  9. what belief

  10. leave them alone? if your mother was headed to h**l what would you do try and save her right .well thats what christians suppose to be doing here .and thats pointing everyone not just atheist to jesus christ. because he is the only answer.

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