
What wrong with me???

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ok so on june 24 i had a natural miscarriage at 4 wks. its now 34 days later almost 5 wks and still no period i took a hpt yesterday and it was negative.i have had a lot of symptoms of pregnancy:fatigue,insomnia,nausea,menstr... like cramps,smells are alot stronger,frequent urination,and watery clear discharge.i have an appt. aug.6 just want some opinions.what do you think my chances of being pregnant are?what are my chances of being pregnant with a negative hpt?please i want to know others opinons and experiances any one fall pregnant right after a miscarriage and had a negative hpt?today i woke up with a uti and a piece of blood attached to mucus when i wiped after urinating...still no period what is going on with me?????somebody please help




  1. After a miscarriage your hormones and body take time to settle down.  It is normal to have an unusual period or a late or no period the first month or so.

    Relax, try not to worry, wear a liner each day just in case your period comes unexpectedly.

    Things will return to normal in a couple of months - if still no period after 2 missed periods - see your doctor they may want to do a hormone count.

    You'll be fine.

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