
What wuld 4 reasons be y terrorists attack?

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What wuld 4 reasons be y terrorists attack?




  1. 1.  Perceived relative deprivation.  They perceive themselves to be have-nots, and they go to war with the haves.

    2.  Their societies raise them from the time they are born that certain people are to be hated and killed, and that they will be rewarded for murdering those people.

    3.  They have nothing better to do.  Life for them is so bad that they want to end their lives and take others with them.

    4.  They believe that they have a calling from a supreme being who tells them to commit acts of violence.

  2. 1: Ordered by their leaders, who claim either political or religious right.

    2: Long term oppression (either real or perceived).

    3: Psychotic tendancies (like those who commit homicides), or the mental desire to cause fear.

    4: Organized dissent/attack by one group against another, with the receivers calling them terrorists, and the sending side calling them patriots.

  3. 1. Mental problems

    2. Religion

    3. Fame/Reputation

    4. Revenge

  4. 1. Savages thru 4

  5. 1.To help in the overthrow of regimes in the Jahili world who are anathema to "Dar Al Islam" (world of Islam), in re-establishing the time  of the "Salafa" (ancient ones) who were the companions and followers of the Prophet and established a caliphate across the known world.

    2. To help achieve the imposition of Sharia as a replacement for the current practices of the regimes in the Jahili world.

    3. To assist in the achievement of "Dar Al Islam" by performing "Hijra" (voluntary expatriation for the purpose of carrying out Jihad).

    4. To carry out Jihad under the doctrine of "Takfir" which permits, in the carrying out of Jihad, for Muslim to kill Muslim.

  6. For recovery of territory just like Palestinian extremists,

    To impose the religious perception of some groups;

    For ransom and money from rich corporation; and

    Fight for indepedence.

  7. I agree totally with that guy

  8. 1 - Occupation by the US

    2 - kill the infadel

    3 - kill all non-muslims

    4 - ignorance to accept other cultures

  9. 1- CIA intervening in their politics

    2- create wars for your own benefits like Afghan vs Soviets and Iraq vs Iran

    3- stealing their oil like in Iran in 53 till 79 till they toppled your puppet government in Iran

    4- Not treating them like equals because you rather there be hatred so you have an excuse to invade and steal their oil.

  10. 1)  Socio-religious disparity

    2)  No hope for the future

    3)  Fanaticism

    4)  Boredom

  11. Here is a few hundred totally justified reasons .

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