
What year did being illegal become a Race?

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I been call a racist for wanting our immigration law enforce.




  1. It's only one when the illegal invaders have no other card to play!!!!

  2. I remember when I was in Mexico, our english teacher was from Michigan and then one day he just didnt show up to school...

    A week later the school principal read the report...

    He had been deported back to the U.S!!!! FOR NOT PAYING HIS TAXES AND working in Mexico ILLEGALLY!

    HAH! hilarious huh?

    Plus, most of the illegal immigrants are actually from central america. they USED to be all/most from Mexico, but now all sorts of central americans are taking over...

  3. Don’t be against illegals, if you don’t like to be call a racist....STOP HATING PEOPLE FOR TRYING TO GET AHEAD IN LIFE!!!

  4. It's a recent happening,not sure of the exact year but it was when the liberals and criminal supporters discovered they had no real argument to back their stance on the issue.

  5. Illegals aren't a race. That's ignorant. Illegals are aliens who break into the United States. WHEREVER they are from. Unfortunately, with Mexico so close, a major preponderance of illegal aliens are in fact Mexican. It's NOT A RACIAL ISSUE, it's a LEGAL issue!!

  6. Huh?! Need mo' info, Dude...

  7. The year they started chasing.  That song "born in east L.A." had just come out.

  8. It is not a race issue, it is an ILLEGAL issue. I do not care what RACE you are if you are illegal get out!

  9. All a woman has to do is squirt a baby out on this side of the border and her baby is a U.S. citizen. This is the motivation to come to the U.S. and get benefits from the government.

  10. Apparently it was 2007, the year I started participating in Yahoo Answers Immigration Forum.

  11. You're not racist at all!!  Believe me!  The very VAST MAJORITY of the U.S. wants illegal imigration to stop!!  For some reason, there are still those who feel it's "politically incorrect" to voice their opinions on the problem!  NO SIR! It's WRONG!  Illegal's are just that...ILLEGAL!  What part of the word "illegal" is not being understood??  I suggest contacting ICE, or some other organization to help stop the crime wave!  Our country is already damaged from the countless illegals flooding our country!  SPEAK UP and do something about it!!!

  12. When Obama decided to run for President. He needed all the masses he could gather. So I guess he's classifying all illegals as being the ones who enter the U.S. from south of the border. Which translates to the Mexicans who cross the border.  I guess that means that all illegals are Mexicans who cross the border. Wait, does that mean that a presidential candidate is stereotyping an entire race? Won't Rev. Wright be so proud?

  13. The year they figured out that playing the race card is very effective, even though illegal immigrants themselves are not victims of racism.  But they say they are, and this is how they have shut the mouths of so many people who are not racist and don't want to be termed as such.

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