
What year did the following first be claimed to be seen?

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Where and when was " the class ofParanormal Phenomena " first claimed to be seen.... Tell me what you think and find out :)



~Sasquatch (Bigfoot)~

~Loch Ness~

Ps: even if you don't believe in some of the following , but remember i put claimed to be seen !

Ryan ~Paranormal Investigator/Researcher~




  1. ufo's- 5000 bc

    bigfoot-1,000,000 bc

    loch ness -25,000-or after the last ice age

    ghosts- hmmmm, what year was the first human? 1,000,000?

    when we split with big foot and kicked him out of the family

  2. Ghosts have been seen since the beginning of mankind.To me UFOs Sasquatch is not paranormal and Loch Ness is mythical.

    Sasquatch sightings go back hundreds of years. I read a small book written in the very early 1800's Either 1838 or 39. the author was the survivor of the Fort Parker massacre here in Texas and she was captures by the Indians and carried all over Texas and when she was rescued she wrote a small booklet about her experience with these Indians and she mentions the landscaping and giant, harry ape like men that were neither men or animal who the Indians were afraid of. that sounds like Sasquatch or big foot to me.

    I believe Big Foot or Sasquatch is just an animal we have not captured yet. In my lifetime the Panda Bear was thought to be a myth.

  3. i can only answer for ghosts....many believe they have to become ghosts after the person dies....lets use the word spirits......ghosts sounds to much like casper

    spirits are energy( pure energy)... now i know everyone wonders how humans and animals first became.....and spirits are formed after the person dies......lets reverse that around....was there energy (spirits before they became humans)..... was there energy before man....then slowly over time the energy became mass which then slowly became to what we are now, and our spirits keep going round and round in a natural way i guess what we call reincarnation....sorry if this isnt making sense i cannt seem to find the right words....i had a vision of this in my mind one day and i had to draw it as i saw it... it does look interesting on paper LOL......i think to many people just look for the obvious thats why we cannt seem to find the answers.......

  4. I don't know (as usual)...but that picture of Jesus in the manger..that sure looked like a flying saucer in the sky.

  5. I do not believe there are exact dates for any of the above. There are artifacts that date back, way back before dates were used to label data that clearly show pictures of all of the above. Good luck in finding the carbon data for each finding as I do not believe that they have honed that procedure down to well.

  6. there is a quote that says: "Ghosts were created when the first man woke in the night" by Sir James Matthew Barrie...

    so i assume that people have been seeing or reported seeing ghosts from the beginning of time.  

    About the others I would have to look those up to be sure...hopefully someone else will have some more answers.

  7. ghost year unknown dates back ancient times

    big foot about 150 to 180 years ago

    loch ness middle ages or dark ages

    ufos 1892 but investigations begain 1887.

    but there are ancient text with all of these acounts

    dating 81/2 thousand years ago, and cave drawing

    date back 36,000 or more years ago. storys date back

    more than 200,000 years ago.

  8. I'd say it all began when man first  had contact with GOD!

    That would have been a Paranormal Event of the first magnitude. Every thing else followed that!

    The first recorded man and woman are said to be the ones to first hear the voice of GOD. ( about 35,000 yrs. B.C.E.)

    There were no Ghosts, UFO's,Sasquatch, or Loch Nessies

    prior to that!

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