
What year did the seatbelt start and what was the make of the car?

by Guest33339  |  earlier

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What year did the seatbelt start and what was the make of the car?




  1. Although Wikipedia states that the '58 Saab was first, I believe that Ford offered seatbelts as standard equipment in either '55 or '56.

  2. Seat belts have been around for ages. However the US motor vehicle safety codes began requiring seat belts to be installed at the factory beginning with the 1967 model year.

  3. Seat belts date back to the 1800's but SAAB was the first to make them standard in a car in 1958.

  4. Saab was the first car manufacturer to introduce seat belts as standard in 1958

  5. as far as American cars they were an option on 56 fords. a padded dash & collapsible steering was standard on all fords that year.

    I believe some european cars had them several years before that


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