
What year was football invented?

by  |  10 years, 9 month(s) ago

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History football is very old and most people don�t about the year in which football invented. Can someone tell me the year in which football invented?




  1. liersss!!!!!!!!!!!!!>:!


  2. jay gohil
    This game has an ancient history some says the ancient Greeks and Romans also play this type of game with foot. The Romans, Mexicans the Japanese have all played similar game like football in which feet’s were used. There are evidence which are found in Chinese army which were under command of Han Dynasty, at that time the game was called as Tsu Chu, people use to kick the leather ball, at that time this was only done to entertain people rather than competition. The origin of football began across the Atlantic Ocean in England during the early 1820s. Some students of New Jersey College started the similar game by kicking the ball around the ground

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