
What year where people taken from Africa and brought over to the U.S for slavery.?

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What year where people taken from Africa and brought over to the U.S for slavery.?




  1. 1619 - 1808

    African captives were imported in USA to be sold as slaves legally

    1808 - 1860

    African captives were smuggles into the USA and sold into slavery illegally. The last survior of the middle passage was Cudjoe Lewis who was born in Benin, West Africa in 1840 and died in Alabama USA in 1935.

    Importation of African captives

    1619 - 1860

    241 Years

  2. Basically from about 1520 until when slavery was officially abolished in the U.S. (1865).

  3. From 1654 until 1865, slavery for life was legal within the boundaries of the present United States.  Most slaves were black and were held by whites, although some Native Americans and free blacks also held slaves.

    Twelve million black Africans were shipped to the Americas from the 16th to the 19th centuries. Of these, an estimated 645,000 (5.4% of the total) were brought to what is now the United States. The overwhelming majority were shipped to Brazil.  The slave population in the United States had grown to four million by the 1860 Census.

  4. What year!? It was centuries

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