
What year will the world end?assuming <span title="volcanoes,asteroids,global">volcanoes,asteroids,globa...</span> warming,and so on.?

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What year will the world end?assuming volcanoes,asteroids,globa... warming,and so on.?




  1. What! So the Heavens gate cult guys were wrong it didn&#039;t end in 1997 ouch Castration and suicide for nothing, and it didn&#039;t end at turn of the millennium either.

    The link has 15 predictions just for 2006, oh well, I would like to make a guaranteed prediction that the world will end at some point in the future on a day ending in a &quot;Y&quot;

  2. I too watched a show about the Aztec calendar etc, and I believe it said something more to the idea that that&#039;s when there will be &quot;changes&quot;.

    If people who &quot;can&#039;t wait&quot; for the world to end, specially in 2012, then I will be waiting to see if they stop buying things, borrowing things, are they going to quit their jobs and sit in their house with their families? If the world is about to end, wouldn&#039;t everyone stay home?

    Please don&#039;t scream at me. I&#039;m just asking!

  3. 7,580,0302,008. The sun will become a red giant and swallow the earth AND IT&#039;S ALL PRESIDENT BUSH&#039;S FAULT!!!!!

  4. &quot;what year will the world end!&quot;

    The last one!

  5. Only God knows...

  6. A consensus of people who study these thing know that the world is going to end in 2012

  7. no one knows, they might know in 20 years though

    well, i guess they do.. they say that it will end in 7.5 b. years

    but how do we know they&#039;re right?

  8. 2012, because the aztecs were advanced people with their calender system. I was watching the history channel about this and they said that the aztecs were really good at predicting lunar and solar eclipse. They even predicted the end of their era as well. If that year is wrong then I would say in about 100 years.

  9. Technically I don&#039;t think the world will &quot;end&quot; - but more likely it will become uninhabitable by humans, and similar to the conditions found on Mars.

  10. i believe Nostradamus and a lot of other prophecies point to 2012 but i dont think they necessarily mean the world will end. given the recession, global warming and whatnot i wouldnt be surprised if we were simply pushed back technologically.  but hey, i really dont know much about the topic....

  11. December 23, 2012

  12. Yea I heard 2012 thats when someones calender runs out I think its the aztecs or something one of the indian tribes who knows now adays I think man is gonna kill us before anything else goes down. I think It&#039;ll be over oil to thats whats gonna end us !!!

  13. We know not the hour, nor the day that the lord returneth...for he comes like a thief in the night.

    Presumptions can only be made by throughout the sign of the times...and the most well educated guess I can make is there seems to be no revealing of the anti-christ.  We will most definitely soon find out, because when this does occur he will seem to work miracles in a time of economic strife and war...before he eventually tries to destroy Israel and anybody that stands in his way.

    The best we can do is pray for guidance and deliverance from tribulation. We need to pray for each other, we need to pray for the impoverished, we need to lean on on another for the day soon cometh that the seas turn blood red and the land lays barren waste.

    If you&#039;re not familiar with the bible and have a hard time understanding it, others can help make you knowledgeable. Whatever your thoughts may be...please consider the spiritual side of life.  Read the book and .......believe. Its all you&#039;ll need as your manual for life, and your eventual journal toward your heavenly home...if only you simply believe.

  14. Forget Nostradamus, The Mayans, the Hopi, the I Ching, Edgar Cayce, the Bible and all the other predictions based on interpretations.

    1. The sun is in its low cycle right now and WILL reach maximum solar activity, solar flares and sunspots, in 2012;

    2. There is a planetary alignment that has not been seen in 25,000 years, involving earth, Venus, the sun and Jupiter;

    3.  The earth, by the best &quot;estimates&quot; of science, has a magnetic pole reversal, approximately every 75,000 years.

    Allowing for a plus/minus, the earth is 20,000 - 30,000 years overdue. The magnetic pole currently is fluctuating.

    Hypothesis:  There is no way to determine the gravitational effects by the alignment. Our magnetic pole is not unstable, but is reflecting &quot;abnormal&quot; activity.

    The sun will be producing serious solar flares, which means increased EM, with &quot;unknown&quot; effects on all of the above.

    1. &amp; 2. are certainties. 3. Is worth watching closely, very closely.

    An End ?  

    My money is on a pole reversal which will make the Global Warming bickering, an obsolete issue.

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