
What you Think About the DOminican Parade In Washington Heights Be honest???

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jajaja OK iam dominican myself why would I have a promblem with that! I just wanted to know how everyone enjoyed the parade because I thought it was great! especially the guys lol




  1. About the same as I think about the St. Patricks Day parade or the g*y Pride Parade or the Halloween Parade, or the Rose Bowl parade.

    I do believe there is even a Pickle Parade, and I'd know I'd make the Chocolate Parade.

    Its a parade, enjoy it or stay home.  Its not a big deal.

  2. no idea

  3. Good for them ...................................

  4. mm, I'm Dominican myself so do you have a problem with that? Just wondering. I think it's pretty cool to celebrate the pride of their heritage in the front of the eyes of strangers.

  5. I support both of the Dominicans in Washington Heights in their effort to call one person walking behind another a "parade."

  6. I'm not sure what exactly you're asking but the parade was great. I was there and I was also hanging out in the heights afterwards (I am not Dominican). Dominicans have a right to celebrate just like everyone else.  

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