
What you britishs think about Fernando Alonso?

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What you britishs think about Fernando Alonso?




  1. Good driver, but a bit of a moaner. Mind you, that could apply to a lot of them.

  2. I am so crazy about him! [sarcasm]

  3. I don't think it matters what your nationality is, he deserves his place in the history of formula 1 racing as one of the best World Champions.

  4. I think Alonso is the best driver in the world at the moment. He may need to be cuddled by his team, but there have been several great drivers who were like that in the past.

    I learned not to listen to what the British press say about F1 drivers as a Nelson Piquet fan during Mansellmania in the 1980s...I've seen all the Hamilton-style hype before, and all the bashing of his rivals too.

  5. am not an british....but i want to say a few words about alonso-

    hes an brilliant driver

    has an lot of knowledge

    is an really good person

    only 1 problem when water starts to go over his head....he instead of tryin to get outta it....he starts punching abusing...arguing with u cld put renault,flavio,ron dennis,lewis in the place of water!!!!!

    and he's a bit negative thinker....he must get over it ...and he may give tough time to some.....!!! and an Belated HAPPY B'Day to him!!!! ;-)

    hope he has some real good time at HONDA

  6. Good driver - terrible person...

  7. There is no doubt that Fernando is a phenominal driver. His pace is Senna-esque at times. Hamilton has one of the most exciting driving styles of the modern era. He has demonstrated not just great pace and car control, but extreme professionalism, self belief and determination. While many argue Alonso is quicker, Hamilton demonstrated the strength of his personality to come out of last season on top. And with reasont performances, doubters of the 'hype' surrounding Hamilton are beginning to look silly.

    However, driving aside Alonso has a very weird character. He is cool and relaxed, but he also ahs a fiery temperament and is a complete cry baby. This made him look like a complete idiot over the whole saga, and he continues to whine about his days in McLaren even to this day. Thats why me and everyone else boo when we see him on the big screen at Silverstone.

    Hamilton is more mature now and sailed through a difficult first year perfectly. Alonso threw his toys out the pram, tried to blackmail Ron Dennis and acts like a bad looser.

    Im sure the rest of us think the same, British or not!

  8. Can't say I was his biggest fan but he has impressed me immensely this season. He is an intelligent driver, ok his ego may need reigning in, but he knows how to wring the neck out of a car and that's all that matters.

  9. Probably the most complete driver on the grid, fantastic talent but like Schumacer, difficult to warm to.

    He should have a championship or 2 left in him yet, as long as he chooses the right ( not Honda) team to drive for.

  10. hes a good driver personally i aint got a problem with him other that he was to compeative with his team mate when he was at mclaren

  11. CHEAT

  12. Alonso is not a very bad driver. However, like rosbif said, he needs his team to cuddle him. He is doing quite well now and should stick to Renault. He needs to feel loved by his team in order to do well. He's not exactly my favourite driver though. He's proven that under prssure he'll do whatever it takes to win.

  13. I think he' idiot , a moron, an a*****e...etc I just hate him !

  14. Who?

  15. not a lot after last season, you can keep him.

  16. I've always liked him as a driver. I was over the moon when he moved to McLaren and gutted when it didn't work out. As Rosbif says he needs to be 'cuddled' by his team and I think he is a bit highly strung, but at the end of the day these drivers are the best at what they do and they can all throw their little hissy fits. My husband is a big fan of Fernando and Renault, but there again he's Turkish not British:)

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