
What you dislike most about individual F1 drivers? Include outside racing like manners, personality, GF etc?

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Kimi - He is really bad with the press, speaks like he is munching something mouthful.

Lewis -

Massa -

Alonso -

Fisichella -

Kubica -





  1. Kimi - He doesn't always drive as good as he could.

    Lewis - I don't like how he throws around Senna's name so casually during interviews, it's like he wants people to compare him to the Brazilian legend.

    Massa - I don't like when he says 'for sure' all the time. It annoys the h**l out of me. Someone should get him a new dictionary or thesaurus.

    Alonso - Him treating Renault as a temporary team until he gets a better offer.

    Fisichella - he's g*y

    Kubica - He should not be driving (and winning) for a German team.

  2. Kimi:Can't understand a d**n word he's saying during his interviews!

    Felipe:Too arrogant and cocky!


    Heikki:Hate the fact that he can't admit that he's #2 to Lewis!

    Fernando:I hate his gf/wife/fiancee (whoever the h**l she is to him these days!)

    Nelson:Not as good as his father (but that could change in time!)

    Nick:His beard!

    Robert:His nose (everytime I see him on tv, his nose always looks like it has grown)

  3. I always like picking on people that are better than me,

    Kimi, mumbles

    Lewis, inconsestant

    Felipe, how can you not like Felipe?

    Fernando, thinks he has a right to the best car out there

    Gincarlo, wasted potential

    Robert, too tall!

  4. Kimi - you always get the feeling he's not trying hard enough

    Massa - his interviews ("I want to thank all the sponsors and everybody, Shell especially because we need fuel and lubricants") - duh!

    Kubica - good driver, ugly though.

    Heidfeld - what's with the facial hair?! I love the way he says "wanker"

    Alonso - I'm sick of him saying "fantastic"....thank god he doesn't get to say that much this year.

    Piquet - never liked his dad, but atleast he could drive

    Rosberg - pretty boy

    Nakajima - bad teeth

    DC - his jaw and chin

    Webber - ditto

    Trulli - His ability to upset the front runners by qualifying so high up

    Glock - who?

    Bourdais - glasses

    Vettel - cry baby cry

    Button - too nice to be an F1 driver. Again, what's with the facial hair?

    Barichello - like him

    Sato - R's and L's

    Davidson - his girlfriend

    Fisichella - excuses, excuses

    Sutil - his run

    Hamilton - I'm tired, don't get me started on him!

    Kovalainen - McLaren's happy pet dog

  5. Kimi's drinking habits.

    He's probably too cool for his own liking, probably has to get drunk to be able to extract any emotions out of himself.

    Looks like they're are in place, but too deep to get them out unless he numbs half his brain with alcohol.

  6. There was only the Schumi Bros I didn't like. They became an industry themselves at one point. I try (very hard sometimes) not to dislike, I prefer to spend my time appreciating but I just couldn't bring myself to like those two. They had a manner that suggested they believed that they owned the sport. As for who is out there today, I don't see any good reason for not following their driving, it is just the way the sport itself is controlled that I have reservations about.

  7. Just for the fun of it...trying to be as shallow as possible.

    What I don't like about:

    Raikkonen - he's not Keke Rosberg (but he's not boring!)

    Massa - he's 27 his dad still hangs around him all the time

    Heidfeld - his "beard"

    Kubica - looks like he should have a cape and sleep in a coffin filled with Polish earth

    Alonso - he's SO boring...F1 and playstation is the limit of his conversation...

    Piquet - he's not his dad

    Rosberg - he's not his dad either

    Nakajima - he's too happy and smiley...I want to know what he's hiding

    Coutlhard - he's a Scottish nationalist

    Webber - he has an inflated opinion of his own abilities

    Trulli - he's like a reincarnation of Patrese, just not as good

    Glock - German TV spend too much time interviewing him

    Bourdais - he's always whining to his engineers on the radio, never seems to want to bother to try new things by the sound of it

    Vettel - see Nakajima

    Button - he's in the comfort zone at Honda...he needs to move

    Barrichello - he's making Button look bad

    Sato - he's a midget, even by F1 standards

    EDIT: @Jason, he's 3cm shorter than Massa!

    Davidson - he's known for his testing and being "nice"... that's called "damning with faint praise"...

    Sutil - he's so rubbish that even German TV don't bother talking to him every weekend

    Fisichella - he's taking up space and should get out of the way

    Hamilton - his personality

    Kovalainen - either he lied to us when he said he expected equal treatment at McLaren, or he's really stupid.

  8. Kimi - i get the feeling he is going to disappear like Hakkinen

    Lewis - not him, but his dad following everywhere is annoying

    Massa - I actually like Massa

    Alonso - Very sulky, but how much of what the press say is true?

    Fisichella - never made the most of the good cars he's had

    Kubica - not a bad word to say about him either

    PS, BMW-Sauber are not a German-based team, they just have a German-made engine

  9. Kimi- I don't like the way he seems to be outside of F1. I've heard that he goes partying and drinks. I know what drivers do outside F1 shouldn't be connected with their performance but I don't think that's professional

    Lewis- The fact that he seems to be overconfident and big headed. His attitude can sometimes come off as 'diva-ish' and I really don't like that

    Massa- He seems to slack. Sometimes I feel like he doesn't really want to be in F1 or is unsure of what he genuinely wants

    Alonso- When he was world champion, he used to give comments to the press almost everyday! And he was such a show off. Now I don't see that attitude anymore, but doesn't mean he's changed

    Fisi- He is never consistent. Even when he has a good car, he performs so badly or poorly. He doesn't deserve to be in F1 and should retire as soon as this season is over

    Kubica- Hmm.. nothing I really dislike about him. Just that he looks like Winnie The Pooh... haha. Kidding

    Coulthard- He always avoid the topic of retirement and that's just annoying. He can be very honest when it comes to drivers' issues and safety but mention retirement and he just doesn't have anything to say

    Webber- I like him, he's actually got amazing potential. But sometimes he can seem grumpy (haha)

    Barrichello- He's so old and he hasn't ever been really impressive. He should retire.

  10. Kimi- he just doesn't express any emotions although that's cool but I would like to see him smile if he won a race.

    Lewis- He's overrated, there's always got to be a reason for why he didnt win.

    Massa- He's just too d**n short.

    Alonso- Because he thinks he's all that and he gave Hamilton problems last season.

    Fisichella- WHO??? I only started watching the sport last year and I don't even no what he looks like

    Kubica- He's just too d**n UGLY

  11. All the current 20 or including the Aguri guys? OK...

    Kimi: Nothing except maybe the monotone and....

    Massa: Sometimes overdoing celebrations

    Hamilton: the fact that everyone keeps talking about him. I will stop here. Oh and his dad always following him around and also his love for the camera

    Heikki: why hasn't he been stepping up to be more of a challenge to Hamilton

    Kubica: losing weight to help car balance. Hopefully supermodels don't ever hear of this

    Heidfeld: his beard must go

    Nico R: the fact that his hair always looks perfect even after the race. How does he do taht?

    nakajima: he's only in F1 because of Toyota's (his sponsor) pressure

    jarno: can't think of any except I think he can do better

    Glock: him returning to F1. I thought he was History

    Button: the beard....

    Barri: he hasn't retired and I think it's time's up

    Webber: nothing actually.

    DC: being very vocal.... but that can be good sometimes

    Vettel: his old hairdo. thankfully that' gone now

    Bourdais: for always getting involved in any sort of crash somehow

    Alonso: his attitude.

    Piquet Jr: maybe the hairstyle

    Fisichella: his driving, he normally only does super well when emotionally overwhelmed

    Sutil: something about his look, dunno what

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