
What you do if You were suddenly left with $300,000? ?

by Guest62455  |  earlier

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Would you give to Charity?

Would you finish an education?

Put it away for your children?

Start a business you always wanted to try?

Buy/pay off your house?


Maybe some other thoughts?




  1. If I had debts, I would for sure pay off my debts before I start accumulating more debt.......

    Luckily, I have no debt and I'm done with school.

    So if I had 300k, I'd invest some, and use the rest for a downpayment for a mediocre house.

  2. do what your heart tells you

  3. Pay off my college fees - $3000

    With the rest, I'd pay off my parents' loans!


  4. Buy a house because my life is heading towards being homeless. Did you want to offer me that much lol Ill settle for 50 000 lol that can get a house too.

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