
What you do on saturday?

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What you do on saturday?




  1. Usually work like h**l !!

    Certainly don't get a chance to watch Football

    (unless it is by way of taped or Tivo)

    I am a pro photographer and Saturdays

    are usually the days for the bigger Weddings

    Anniversary Receptions, and even a lot of

    fashion shoots !!  So, big day -- big pay !!

    Can say though -- tomorrow is an exception

    Nothing on tomorrow -- and for once I get a chance

    to just "kick back" and work like h**l catching up

    with all of the "chores" !!!  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚˜Â¼

  2. I'm a vet .. SO I SLEEP!

  3. work

  4. Rest up for fantasy football upsets on Sunday.

  5. play basketball :)

  6. Sleep late wake up eat pizza go get my work schedule, play Football, watch the Flyers game at 7

  7. shop, spend time with my family/friends or spend time outside, since we've had great weather here in north Texas.

  8. College Football    lots of beer, food, and fun   with friends

  9. drink beer all day

    smoke ciggies and play the pokies and keno

  10. sit at home....i know its pretty sad

  11. Watch cartoons with the kids until 11 am then check the college football schedule and see which games I want to watch. Pick a couple and veg out and watch some FOOTBALL!!!!!!!!

  12. I usually do nothing, except for sitting behind my computer.

    I sometimes meet some friends, but not quite often, because meet much enough at scool.

    This weekend, I go on some brigade work, so on saturday, Im off to making money!

  13. 1. Sleep in till about 10.

    2. Listen to 774 local radio - the gardening and pet shows.

    3. Have a cup of tea (or 2).

    4. Oat bran with fresh fruit & plain yogurt. (A bit of sugar if the strawberries are tart.)

    5. Listen to the Science Show on ABC radio national, followed by "All in the mind", which is about the human brain.

    6. Do the laundry while I listen to the radio.

    7. In between all these, read the Age newspaper - the news, then, in the magazine: Dr Karl , "Two of Us", the letters page, maybe one of the features.

    As you will note, there is no mention of footy.

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