
What you have to do to go to heaven?

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some people say you have to accept Jesus

some people say you are a chosen people

soem people say you have to be baptized

some people say you have to speak in tongues

but, the thief hanging on the cross next to Jesus...did not repent, accept, speak in tongues or get baptized....all he did was stick up for Jesus saying he hadnt done anything wrong..he didnt even claim to believe he was God...but he asked "remember me".... and was told he would be in paradise that day.

so, what is wrong with someone saying...IF there is a god, I hope he remembers me?




  1. forgiveness asked from heart definitely god forgives all sins.

    what is there in your heart only god knows how sincere u r like in asking forgiveness

  2. Is Donna wishing very hard to say God will decide which atheist pagan or heathen will be allowed to sit in heaven with God on the left or the right side of the cloud.

  3. You'd have to create Heaven first.  It doesn't exist.

    Religion is superstition.

  4. The thief on the cross was not arrogant, like the other one was, and he did say to the other one to shut up because this one next to us is holy, not those exact words, but he knew in his heart, this man was special, thus the reason the Lord Jesus took him up to heaven.

    You believe Jesus came to the earth and you're saved.

  5. Any of those four requirements just solidify my position that any god with those requirements is not worthy of my worship. I am better than that god.

  6. you must believe in god, and follow your heart towards what you would think he wants from you...

  7. Meet a good dealer.

  8. buy a ticket to heaven.

  9. just dont use your head and always have an imaginary friend even if you grow up.

  10. Google it first...

  11. Wish really, really hard?

  12. Follow Christ.

    When he was asked what to do to gain salvation he said to take up his cross.

    To me that means we follow him, do his work and be counted as his people.

  13. The thief on the cross recognized the Lamb who was innocent.

    Here is an overview of the Plan of the Ages, which should give you a clue on the requirements.

  14. smoke crack

  15. "You believe Jesus came to the earth and you're saved"

    That's all? h**l, I'm an atheist and I believe that there was a guy named Jesus. Woo woo! I can't wait for heavenly fun.

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