
What you know about Germany?

by Guest31869  |  earlier

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In Germany the people (most the younger) know a lot from UK.

Music,Football Teams,Language and other Things.

What the British People knows about Germany.

Sorry for my bad English, im from Germany




  1. Ich bin zu Deutschland zur Rhein Senke und zur gerechten Liebe Ihre Landschaft und die schönen Häuser gewesen. Die Nahrung ist ausgezeichnet und die Leute sind sehr höflich. Ich habe sehr viel über Ihre Porzellanindustrie, beide historisch studiert, und modern. Ihr Land ist Vorwärtsdenken im Design und in der Technologie, mit vielen ausgezeichneten zuverlässigen Produkten. Obgleich ich nicht in Fußball bin, haben Sie sehr gute Mannschaften. Da ein Kind meine zweite Sprache, die an der Schule erlernt wurde, Deutscher war, der bevorzugte Überschuß Franzosen war.

    This is what I said in German:

    I have been to Germany to the Rhine Valley, and just love your countryside, and the beautiful houses. The food is excellent, and the people are very polite.

    I have studied a great deal about your Porcelain industry, both historically, and modern.

    Your Country is forward thinking in design and technology, with many excellent reliable products.

    Although I am not into football, you have very good teams.

    As a child my second language learned at school was German, which was preferred over French.

  2. well, im not british but american livin in germany und also ich muss sagen, wir wissen alles über euch! :-)

  3. I'm afraid that most English people remember the 1966 World Cup. That's very sad.

    Not many talk about the war though. We share your dis-trust of the French.

    Most who have been there comment on Good Beer, friendly people, clean trains and awful food in German restuarants.

  4. Ich bin ein Amerikaner, der im Bayern für 2 Jahre gelebt hat. Wir denken an die Deutschen als seiend die besten Mechaniker und die Ingenieure in der Welt. Auch für das beste Bier überhaupt bilden.

  5. I have lived here in Germany for over 24 years and know a lot. Worst thing is, too many of the nicotine addicts, and there are MANY, think they run things and should be allowed to spread their disease and death to others..and the government ENCOURAGES it!!!

  6. yous get up early and bags all the sunbeds by the pool on holiday...

  7. Germany my favourite European country,  apart from Scotland of course

  8. Sadly I think the two world wars do still effect perceptions of the German people's character. We also know you have great beer and sausages though. Historically we admire your composers and scientists.

  9. They like their beer !!!!!

  10. they're our neighbours!

  11. Largest country in the EU (by population)

    Capital is Berlin (Bonn was the capital of West Germany before reunification)

    beautiful countryside ( I spent 2 weeks there when I was 9)

    Great history

    friendly people ( not arrogant as some tabloids report)

    Great beer festivals

    A greener country than the UK

    Doctor Angela Merkel (conservative Christian Democrats) is the German Chancellor

    running out of ideas now but i'm a little tired but, I remember I enjoyed my two weeks in Germany.

  12. i know that the Germans love their football as much as we do (I am English)  do have a sense of humour and are friendly,  Also the country is very clean and pretty.  The street markets are great and have the best biscuits! But then I am a tad bias cos i lived their for 4 years when my dad was stationed there

  13. Sorry I'm not English but I'm Turkish and we generally know Germans are ruler people (for example if they are going to go to somewhere with train, they never miss it etc.) And I'm a really pretty a German friend =) She's so nice ;-) And most of the Germans have blonde hair, right? =) And my German friend said Germany is famous about beer and chocolate..In my wedding, she said she would come here with a box of German chocolates! =)

    Greeting from Turkey! ;-)

  14. I know you got beat in ww2.

  15. Auf Weidersein Pet was filmed there

  16. Beautiful place, i visit all the time,

  17. It's got Germans in.

  18. The only thing I know about Germany is:


    Steffi Graf



  19. sorry quizard  mostly you are right but england gets more rain than germany so  it is the greener country unless you mean enviromentally lol......i often go to germany in my car to visit friends  in bavaria (kleeberg) and only stop at places in the countryside for the night as indeed the people are so friendly but i doubt the big cities are much different to anywhere else,it is not an expensive place to go these days and the food is excellent,you will always find at least one english speaker and often quite a few,they are not arrogant  and they love to laugh and joke ,the beer is great..reccommend to anybody to visit germany

  20. make the best car in the world which i have a porsche 996 Turbo.  Brabus, Ruf, AMG, Alpina etc all German.  The M3, M5, GT3RS, SL55, SL65....the list goes on

    Their engineering is faultless and make the best appliances etc..

    not too sure about their food though! make great beer too.

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