
What you know about fall in canada?

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What you know about fall in canada?




  1. What is there to know about.  Fall is preparation for Winter.  Leaves have to fall off the trees otherwise the snow would be too heavy and cause damage to the trees.  Every fall it becomes windy and the dead leaves fall off the trees.  We get rain that is required for the trees before they goes into hibernation.  It really is a beautiful time of the year.  I live in central Alberta and proud to be here.

  2. i live in canada so i kind of know! it is fall right now! is it sunny there or something. don't u get fall there?!?! here summer weather seemed to last forever so all of a sudden it got cold.

  3. All the leaves around my house have fallen already, it rained tonight, it's nippy, it gets expensive because of the natural gas bill, and my plants hate me cause I don't leave the blinds open during the day and its cloudy so they get less light. And I'm sure it will snow soon.

    Thats what I know so far of this year.

  4. That it is colorful and beautiful.

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