
What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight.?

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Build anyway. (Mother Theresa) Do you agree or would it be better in your opinion to not build again? Why would it be better to build or why would it be better not to build again?




  1. Actually, I have had this happen on more than one occasion... I guess that is the reason people become more and more cynical as they grow older... They can remember when they were like these children on here who think they are going to save the world and they are going to make a difference... and then, some where about the time they are 50 years old... they start to realize that NOTHING they have done, ever REALLY MAKES A DIFFERENCE.

    A very wise man once told me this: "When you get to thinking that you are so important and that what you do will change the world and live forever... then take a 5 gallon bucket and fill it with water... then stick your hand and arm into the water... and then pull it out... AND THE HOLE THAT IS LEFT IS HOW MUCH YOU WILL BE MISSED AND AN INDICATION OF HOW MUCH WHAT YOU HAVE DONE IS IMPORTANT.

  2. it is worth trying, i think. if we did not create anything because of knowing it might get destroyed soon and suddenly... where would civilization be now?

  3. Your question bought to light the saying "it is better to have loved and lost than never loved at all". Basically, to answer your question, surely it is better to build and live from what you have built upon, than never to have tried. To not bother again, even if it was lost overnight would be like giving up the fight,, it is a lot better to try, then fail, than never try at all...

  4. Build again....because it gives you purpose and eventually hope.

    Our species isn't meant to just give up.

  5. Yes, build again something else, something new, or rebuild the destroyed with better knowledge. Just build. Maybe you don't see the difference if it gets destroyed, but maybe others do. Maybe you inspire someone along the way and you might never find out about it, and that's already a lot.

  6. It's not about the destination, it's about the journey.  How you spend the jorney depends upon what makes you happiest in your circumstances

  7. It's better to build.  It gives

    a life meaning and purpose.

    It doesn't matter if it's

    destroyed, because the

    learning from it out-

    weighs the destruction.

    You're able to build

    stronger, better.

  8. I agree.

    There is a scene early in the movie "The Gladiator" where the philosopher emperor tells the gladiator that Rome was something so unique that even if you whispered it you could destroy it.

    But that is the strength of life, it's weakness.  You see in physics we know that the strongest force in the universe is gravity and yet it is the weakest.

    Building with intelligence and love creates sacred ground for life to flourish.  At least that's what I think.

    For the fundamental nature of life is always to rebuild.  Man cannot build things in the tropical forests because the vitality of life makes man made things unusable.  A blade of grass will still grow through cracks in the cement of a parking lot.  The nature of life is to live and to reproduce itself.  

    Man builds because that is his nature to build.  Even total destruction and annihilation is not seen as the end.  For in time nature will rebuild itself.  And so too does man as he forgets the hatreds of years gone by..

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