
What you think about Haiti's problem?

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why can't Hiati have highways. te country is so small. why can't the government borrow like a biillindollars and use it to make more money and build up the country. Haiti's problem really frustrates me.

i mean if i was president the first thing i would do is like get other countrires to help.

but anyways, if Haiti had highways and interstaes(since the country is so small) wouldn't it take like an hour to travel from west to the domincan border.

i remember it took us like 4 hours to go from port-au-prince to l'artibonite.

why can't they build haighways and interstates like other countries. what's wrong with the government




  1. I think the reason for that is because of the quality of the land in that country. let talk about the land texture and quality.It might not be good enough to hold highways. But i will still make more findings on this anyway. Hope this helps a bit

  2. Haiti is a lost case. For me it has NO future......They stript it completly

    so what can they offer to cover the loan? nothing....

    Sorry this sounds hard but that's reality!

  3. Mexico only had 621 km of limited access highways up until Carlos Salinas was elected in 1988. During his 6 years in office 4200 km of highway was constructed.

    - It's not a miracle. Construction costs are high and huge tolls make the roads out of reach of the vast majority of the population. Some of the roads are almost empty.

    - Most people in Haiti don't have cars and they don't travel that much.


    Haiti has a ridiculously high fertility rate (4.8 children) and the lowest median age.  The fertility rate is much higher than any other country in Latin America and all but a handful in Asia. No country in the world can cope with those kind of birth rates. Normally I think that reproductive rights are important, but Haiti is headed towards a terrible catastrophe. I just can't believe that mandatory sterilization at three children wouldn't be more humane than packing over 20 million people (est. pop in 2050) onto that tiny environmental disaster corner of an island.

  4. Communism would help Haiti for a few years....  And then a switch over.....

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