
What you think about the movie Matrix ?

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What you think about the concept , that life, and the whole world is just an image. Lot scriptures also view life in the same way. Now science also says something similar. (( Quantum theory). Science says there is nothing called matter, but energy. So wat about all of us ?? wat abt the things we see ??




  1. The movie elements of Christian, Taosim and Buddhism.

    The most obvious and fundamental Buddhist theme can be found in the basic principle that, in the world of the Matrix films, what most people think of as "reality" is actually a computer-generated simulation. This appears to align closely with the Buddhist doctrine that the world was we know it is maya, illusion, which we must break out of in order to achieve enlightenment. Indeed, according to Buddhism the biggest problem that faces humanity is our inability to see through this illusion.

    There are also numerous smaller references to Buddhism throughout the films. In The Matrix, Keanu Reeve's character Neo is aided in his education about the nature of the Matrix by a young boy dressed in the garb of a Buddhist monk. He explains to Neo that he must realize that "there is no spoon," and hence our ability to change the world around us is actually a matter of our ability to change our own minds.

    Taoism also state that the world around us may be perceived as an illusion from our senses our experiences and our interpretations, thus illusions are irrelevant to conclude a definite right or wrong way.

    Another common theme that appears in the Matrix films is that of mirrors and reflections. If you watch closely, you will see reflections constantly - often in the ubiquitous sunglasses that the heroes wear. Mirrors are also an important metaphor in Buddhist teachings, illustrating the idea that the world we see around us is actually a reflection of what is in us. Thus, in order to understand that the reality we perceive is but an illusion it is necessary for us to empty our own minds first.

  2. as the matrix states correctly, it is just electrical impluses enterpreted by our brain, nothing more.

    i believe that it could be real, that it could be more than just a movie, but i also believe that i am alive, and nothing anything or anyone can do can change that, apart from kill me, obviously.

  3. It probably means without US observing the universe, there would be no universe. Thus, for something to exist, it must be observed. Thats why space is infinite and before any living thing, there may have been NOTHIN!!! WHOAAHH!!! scary! I like the quantum theory, it makes me feel better, and sense fear is a strong frequency and it alters others, I try to be fearless. Theres no need to fear anything. I think Its amazing that were all connected consciously, Also Jill had said that in here presentation at TED, "Stroke of Insight". I suggest you read the book or watch her ten minute presentation. She explains that the left side of her hemisphere in her brain, the one that controls the past and the future just shuts off during her stroke cause of the hemorage. And for about 20 or so minutes she lives only in the present, as if she were seeing the world for the first time, but she also has to stay alive from this beautiful death that ingulfs her. Its cool, watch it.

  4. look at this text you are reading right now.  This website.  It is actually a bunch of ones and zeros, on/off signals.  These pulses of energy are sent through the internet.  All the music, text, videos, programs, games on your computer are actually pulses of energy.  You perceive it to be actually information, not ones and zeros.

    Reality is actually the same thing, if you can zoom in, its just energy.  But you perceive it as environments, people, situations, emotions, music.

    the movie is right, if we challenge our beliefs about the world, the world literally changes.

    some say we are just seeing options that are already there by changing our beliefs.  But, what difference does it make?

    if you change your beliefs, you get different options and results.

    example: it was once thought impossible to run the 4 minute mile.  After one person did it, suddenly tons and tons of people accomplished it.  Why?  because that had broken their belief that under 4 minutes was impossible.

  5. I thought it was well made and made me think a little. To bad when a movie shows something like this people often say, "Dude, that was in a movie, get real." And label the person saying "What if we're in a world like the Matrix?" as a idiot. So be careful whoy ou talk to, less you want the to possibly think of you like that.

  6. it's just a movie!!!

  7. Lao Tze awoke from a deep sleep and called to his servant saying, "I had a dream in which I was a butterfly.  Now, I must wonder if I am a butterfly who is dreaming I am a man...?"

    Be in the present moment.

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