
What you think about this?

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IS IT true that the first thing guys see on a girl is their a**?....




  1. That  depends which way the girl is walking lol. I ususally notice the b***s first, hehe.

  2. No, each guy is different, but it usually is a body part that they are attracted to first.  

  3. nopes...

    usually the b*****s

  4. Depends which way the girls facing.

  5. well physical features no doubt attract but smile and way girl presents herself in frnt ofothers, her way of talking,, frankness does matters, looks ,height,

    but a** and bo*** also do attract ,no doubt.

    personally i first look at her looks,height, frankness,smile, and i dnt like girls showing off or those who have fake attitude,,,,

    then comes alll the rest b**** and a** and allll....

  6. i am a guy and the first thing i look at is if the girl  is looking at me

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