
What you think of Kobe's Fight

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  1. another Celtic fan with no respect.

  2. He is one of the best if not the best player today but during that time kobe was weak as h**l and fought like a damb girl i hope he learned how to fight in case it happens again  lol

  3. LOL. Child's retaliated like a man should act. Although I do not condone fighting in a basketball game, it's highly entertaining seeing Kobe give "another" elbow. That's if you know what I'm saying. LOL.

    Hope this helps.

  4. u just obviously another hater...but you know wats funny....we already know yall kobe haters hate him soo much but y do u luv talkin about him....yall r soo g*y

  5. kobe sucks big time!

  6. Kobe Sucks to the core!!! First of all he is truly over rated. What I fail to understand is, how does the 'best player in the game' scores 81 points in a single game, gets compared to MJ game in and game out and didn't even get a ring let alone the MVP award that season? He's in his about to be thirteenth career season and he JUST got his MVP award. If he's so much like MJ then why didn't he do what MJ did? He and Wilt Chamberlain scored sky high numbers in single games and was crowned at the end of the season as the MVP or with a ring, if not both. KOBE SUCKS!!!

  7. That was the highlight of Chris Childs' career.

  8. You suck, another Kobe Hater. You're the one millionth.

  9. that was disappointing... i think an alleged rapist and basketball player would fight a little better than that.  

  10. Not very impressive.  He needs some lessons from Pacquiao.

  11. love to see this keep happening

  12. I like Kobe, he's a great player, but he can't fight. Look at Shaq, he's trying to help but he's too slow, it's like he's in slow motion, lol.

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