
What you think really happen at 9/11 (Twins towers)?

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? was there a hidden truth be hide it.?




  1. 4 planes were hijacked.  Two remained in the control of the hijackers and were flown into each of the Twin Towers in NYC.  the third was crashed into the Pentagon and the fourth was diverted from its course by the passengers and crew and forced down short of its intended target in a field in Pennsylvania.  

    No hidden truths, no secrets, no conspiracies within the US government.  The Bad guys scored a victory that day.  They also pissed off the World and created a big fat Target on their backsides.  

  2. Truth is liberals like yourself know they will lose on election day when national security is an issue.  

    Hence the conspiracy nutters...

  3. Three World Trade Center building fell...You should be asking how did the other one fall...

  4. There has been some strange coincidences with the event... but I guess if you dig deep enough you can find that sort of stuff for anything.  

    To be honest I think what happened is something we've already heard over and over, nothing new.

  5. My answers are;

    1) I think Bin Laden did it. And I think GW and Company let it happen. (Any farther then that and I want to smoke.)

    2) IS there a hidden truth behind it. Most Definitely.

  6. Planes were flown into buildings, and thousands of people died.

    As for hidden truths, "bombs were put in the buildings", that's just rediculous.  Just because some reporters absent-mindedly said "it looks like they just blew up from the inside!"  well that's what it looks like when a building collapses on itself.

    Any more hidden truths are necessary.  I think government leaders who have the resources of hundreds of years of our country's history and secrets at their disposal have a little more of a better say then normal citizens who only see what the news feeds them.

  7. You know what happened, you saw what happened.  I guess if you had a bit of history and basic science you would understand it better.  But it was as you saw it.  

  8. i think a lot of people died for all the wrong reasons. nothing we can do about it now. all we can do is hope the next time we get warned about something like this we heed the warning. it happened under two different presidencies clinton and bush. clinton got warned it might  happen and bush got the actual event. whos fault? no ones. should have nuked the whole middle east. would have saved billions of dollars and thousands of american lives...

  9. Four aircraft were hijacked: two hit the WTC towers, another struck the Pentagon, while the fourth was retaken by the passengers and crashed into a field in Pennsylvania.

    Who was behind it?  A bunch of angry terrorists under the command of Osama bin Laden.

    The "hidden truth" is that people like Alex Jones, Jim Marrs, and the three morons from "Loose Change" are getting undeserved attention for their inane conspiracy theories.

  10. from day one it always looked fishy to me.....

    --too cut and dry

    --too convienient for right wing chicken hawk's agenda

    --just FEELS suspicious....granted, the 'conspiracy nuts' may have no proof'....but what about all thats happened since then....the patriot act??? what an evil piece of legislation....the invasions of iraq and afghanistan??? all these things NEEDED for something like 911 to happen for them to take place.....i remain suspicious....sorry....

  11. As Boo said, you know and saw what happened. Conspiracy theorists with too much time on their hands and too little exposure to reality will always say otherwise, though.

  12. Some foaming Muslim extremists flew some planes into buildings. The suggestion of a 'false flag operation' is blunted by the fact that false flags need definite stated successful outcomes, and the outcome, if this was a false flag...has certainly not been a success.  

  13. i watched a documentary before called ' the story behind september 11'. it just basically highlighted all the mistakes and loopholes of the september 11 attack, which included some oral accounts from eyewitnesses. until now, i do not know for sure if there really was a conspiracy, but still, i do believe that there's SOMETHING we do not know about.  

  14. I think that 1 plane hit each tower, causing them to collapse and a historic tragedy in america to happen - not only at that moment, but in the aftermath.

    Questions that should have been asked, were never asked. These questions could have shown involvement by some american policy makers in some way shape or form. In the aftermath, we have lost freedom & liberty due not to the actions of Americans, but the actions of a few people - which is a tragedy.

    To the answer above -what if a 'false flag' goal was to

    1) pass thousands of pages of new laws quickly before anyone reads them

    2) initiate a invasion that may have been planned long before 911

    3) transfer wealth by creating trillions in debt for americans to fund the war

    - if this was some sort of 'false flag', and those were some of the goals, then those goals were met.

  15. It was a bunch of pissed of Muslims, any one who tells you anything else is retarded or in denial.  

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