
What you will prefer to JOIN a GYM or a MARTIAL ARTS class?

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i am very thin and weak

what i should join

1 gym or a wushu martial art class and why ???




  1. Join a gym that does Martial arts classes - best of both.

    My gym offered Thai boxing classes (no extra fee) and other Martial arts classes.

    If those are good enough fr you compared to the one you#'re suggesting, then try this, as it gives you more variety.

  2. Martial Arts class definetly, it teaches you more than just 'pumping iron' at a gym....

  3. a gym i prefer it

  4. If you do a martial art i think you'll be more likely to stick with it.

  5. I would join a Martial arts class. I've done the whole gym thing. The thing about weightlifting is, it makes you look good, and boosts your confidence, but if you stop going to the gym for any length of time, the results vanish. In martial arts, you not only gain physical fitness and confidence, you learn lessons that stay with you for the remainder of your life. Those results may not be seen or appreciated by others, but YOU know that they are there, and that's all that really matters.

  6. No offense to your opinion, but wushu is like a dance. Do a martial art. It doesnt matter if you look like you can fight or not, its if you can or not. Try mixed martial arts. That sport is booming and is just as popular as boxing now. Its the most watched thing within the ages of 18-35. You ever heard of UFC? thats MMA.Im 13 and ive been doing it for years now and i kick kick the h**l out of peoples asses 1-5 years older than me.

  7. depends which you like the most.

    why don't you join both. hehe.

  8. What is your eventual goal?

    If you want to gain muscle mass and physical strength, then the gym is the best place.

    If you wish to learn body control and movement then the dojo or kwoon will be the place for you.

    Why couldn't you do both?

    Work out with weights three non-consecutive days a week and practice your chosen martial art on the days when you do not attend the gym.

    They should compliment one another.

    You might also wish to consider your present diet so as to be sure you are consuming the correct amounts of complex carbohydrates, complete protiens and beneficial fats, as well as the correct amount of water, vitamins and minerals so as to support your health and physical deveopment.

    Your biggest problem will be that as a "honors philosophy student" in your "first year", you might not have time for either as you will need to study a great deal and will be writting many essays, doing translations, having conferences with your professors, etc. as well as working so as to support yourself and pay for your education.

    You might also consider spending less time online.

    It is funny how the web we weave catches us in the end...

    Be well.

  9. I would try a martial art class first. Start with something simple like kickboxing. My first style that I learned was Tae kwon do, and I loved it. As I got more serious I continued looking and trying out different styles and then I found the brazilian jiujitsu academy. There I am practicing the two styles, brazilian jiujitsu and muay thai kickboxing. I love it more there because I want to learn more about Mix martial arts. I also go to the gym to run and bike.  Either one is great for a good work out. Also check out the history of the different martial art styles and see which one you like best!

  10. its quite straight forward, the GYM to be strong and in shape,

    and a class to be a hard bap.

  11. I go to the gym and I love it

  12. If your a skinny weak guy , you prolly should not run around saying "I am a god worship me" could get yo ask kicked.

    What are you looking for? Are you just trying to bulk up and gain some muscle so you look better and won't have a skinny frame? If yes then go to a local gym.

      Or do you want to learn how to fight and defend yourself? if yes go with martial arts.

  13. Martial arts. Would you rather end up with good muscle tone like Bruce lee or Jackie Chan? Or creepy untoned muscle like Arnold Schwarzenegger?

  14. martial arts class defo gym is boring sometimes u cant get motivated when you do a class its a group effort as well as individual

  15. I play TAI KWON DO so that's the best... they will teach you how to get a Gd meal in you first :)))

  16. martial arts class :)

  17. Wushu all the way, it's much cooler.

  18. go wushu, with martial arts it's fun you get to fight with confidence, it'll build self esteem. If someone fights you, there expecting to break you like a toothpick, lol it'll be you snapping them *touch wood* you won't be in a fight, but handy if it does happen.

  19. I think you need to quit asking this question, decide, get out from behind the keyboard, leave mommy and daddie's bassement, and get a life, and start training. You ask this repeatedly. i know you have wasted at least two months of training time, not to mention wasting everyones time who doesn't realize that you ask troll questions repeatedly, and tries to help you.

  20. In a gym you only have yourself to train with, in a MA class you have other people to train with as well as to spar with and talk too. So I would go with the MA class and leave the gym to body builders.

  21. depends wats your focus, getting in shape right?

    go to a gym either way. a gym will get you fit and stronger, stuff you need to be prepared for a REAL martial arts class, none of those fake Rex-Kwon-Do classes (Napoleon Dynamite Reference, lol).

    if you wanna kno how to defend yourself first, go to a Martial Arts class where they are serious and their skills are practical and promising.

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