
What young player is more likely to...?

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...lead the league in scoring?

Amare Stoudemire

Kevin Martin

Dwight Howard

Gilbert Arenas

Carmelo Anthony

...any give me what you think they're points per game and shooting averages (FG, FT, 3FG) will be!




  1. Its definitely Kevin Martin. He was sixth in the league last year, so its clear hes a big time scorer and with Artest gone, hes the only big scorer the Kings have. All the other players mentioned have at least one other scorer on their team. Amare has nash, Howard has Lewis, Arenas has Jamison and Butler, Anthony has A.I. So its clearly K-Mart.

  2. Definitely Amare Stoudemire.

    He led the league in scoring the second half of the season.

    I expect him to average close to 30 points a game.

    Carmelo would be next, followed by Arenas, Howard, and Martin.

  3. Carmelo Anthony. He's a scoring machine, his pts would be even higher if it wasn't for AI being on the team.

  4. Dwight Howard,6'11,Center-Forward,2004 no.1 draft pick by the Orlando Magics,

    Led the Magics in rebounds

    Led the League in rebounds

    Led the Magics in scorer

    Led the Magics in Blocks

    Led the Magics in Playoffs

    Led the Magics in Field goal attempted

    With Stats of........

    21 points per game

    14 rebounds per game

    5 blocks per game

    600%above field goals

    2 steals per game

  5. didnt melo already lead the league in scoring?

    btw i choose K. Durant

  6. LeBron will lead the league in scoring.. but If i HAD to pick from the list, it would be Amare

  7. Kevin Martin. Usually teams that don't have a lot of scoring options will look to one guy to put up the big numbers day in and day out. I see him leading his team because nobody can really score but him. Examples in the past: Jordan (80s), AI, T-Mac, Kobe

    Amare has good support in Phoenix. Dwight has Hedo and Lewis, Agent 0 has Caron and Jamison. Carmelo has AI and J.R.


  9. if iverson is traded next season then melo will put up big time numbers that may get him the scoring title

  10. Gilbert Arenas isn't that young. Kevin Martin isn't capable. STAT leading the league, is possible. Dwight Howard is my choice. Carmelo has to share with A.I.

    Not on the list, definitely Monta.

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