
What your opinion on "the wave?"?

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I will show Joe B the truth that is "the wave."




  1. Its pretty fun :)

  2. I think the wave is pretty awesome at sporting events. I particular like it at college football games; it goes all the way around the stadium and skips the away fans section and then continues. But it can get old fast, and it's very difficult to start up.

  3. I was at the Scott Stevens night game this season, and the fans literally had the wave going for 5 minutes.  It's pretty lame.

  4. The only time I will ever do the wave is when I'm sitting at the Big House in Ann Arbor, Michigan during a University of Michigan football game.

    That wave is not annoying and not childish.  It is one of the craziest things I have ever seen...especially with 100,000 people of all ages from toddlers to 93 year old men (such as the one that sat beside me and did every part of the wave) doing it in unison.

    But other than that, I ignore the wave at other places.

  5. the wave is truth !

  6. I say if people want to do it then let 'em.  The game would have to be pretty boring for me to participate in the wave, but sometimes they can be, I gotta be honest.

  7. Do you mean the wave, like the Neutrogina cleasing pad.. or the wave you do at a baseball game? Details....

  8. Can't stand it.  I saw a sportscenter debate about which one of two individuals "created" it, and they were clowns.  When people near me start it up I get pissed.  I am there to watch a game, not someones hands go up infront of me.

  9. I think it is kind of cheesy and had its place in the 80's.

  10. The wave is nerdy. I hate it! It's NOT a hockey cheer.

    When I see people doing it at Penguin games I just want to get in their ear and yell "Sit yer fat @ss down!"

  11. yes

  12. I dislocated my shoulder doing the wave....not really.

  13. That is such a great book and movie. I got my teacher to let the class read it and we all loved it ! i hope you liked it too. [[vote best answer]]

  14. The wave is great it just sucks that most fans s***w it up, or it is tough to get everyone on the same page so it doesn't normally work right..

    Ryan I had to wear an eye patch cause of the wave.....not really either...

  15. i hate when people don't participate

  16. erm whats "the wave" ?

  17. love it(: bahaha!

  18. The wave is for boring events like soccer and other OUTSIDE events. There is no wave in hockey at all. Like others have said. You should have your hockey fan card revoked for starting one, not to mention having the snot beat out of you. I jump up enough when my team scores. I want to watch the game when it is happening not have silly people stand up in front of me for no good reason. Leave the wave for the soccer fans.

  19. The WAVE is for kids and NERDS.If anybody tries to start a wave in front of me I put thumb tacks down where they were sitting.That'll learn em.If you're a kid I kinda understand anybody else NO WAY!If you're over the age of 12 and male you should have your label "Hockey Fan" taken away from you forever if you participate in a wave.

  20. I live in Seattle, the city where 'the wave' got started.  It was on the football field, though, not a hockey arena, and if you don't already know this, Seattle is the LOUDEST football arena in the US/Canada.  I have participated in 'the wave' twice, both times at football games.  I have been to several hockey games, but was working (I sold cotton candy, my husband sold sno-cones) then.  I was a 'fan' at both football games.  I don't know where the 'wave starts' or how it gets so big so quickly, bit I can tell you this ... if you are in a stadium and the wave starts and you DO NOT MOVE the wave can 'die' ... so most people are watching the game with one eye, and watching the fans 50 feet to either side with the other, so the wave can start, grow, fill the stadium, and die out in style and grace.  The wave is a 'sport unto itself' and if you see a wave on television, you may be slightly impressed ... but to take part in a wave is AWSOME, AMAZING, and WONDERFUL.  Somehow that 'wave' makes everyone in the stadium 'related' ... family, not strangers who just happen to like the same game.  THAT is the 'power of the wave.'

  21. Like what they do in the crowd? I don't care for it much. It interrupts me drinking my beer.

  22. It's awesome, it gets the crowd involved thus the game becomes more exciting.  Not to mention that it looks really cool when everyone does it right.

  23. I dont mind it! its pretty cool if its going then i probably will participate. But its not much of a hockey thing!

  24. it that the new wash cream thingy

    i am also curious to the responses if it is about it.....looks prettty cool! :] but idk i dont use it

    i have perfect skin lol :] jk

  25. I never get up for the wave, I personally hate it. I also hate the beach balls, when one comes by me I pop it.

  26. I love watching and doing the wave at sports events. It gets the crowd involved and hopefully gets the team going. If the team starts playing worse, you are very bad at it.. it always works! =P

  27. Ah, it's good fun.  It's easy enough to watch a game and do the wave at the same time, and it gives this sense of everybody in the arena doing the same thing.

    I remember Game Three of the first round of the 2002 playoffs, Leafs at Islanders; the first playoff game at the Nassau Coliseum in seven years.  The building rocked that night.  The game was great, and it was right up there with the best series I've ever seen.  Steve Webb decked everyone in sight, and the Isles romped to a 6-1 win.  One thing I remember from that game was this loud, high-energy wave that ringed around the arena multiple times.  That old barn rocked all night long, and it was an incredibly good time.  The hockey carried the night, but that great wave was one nice piece of it.

    Nothing beats playoff hockey.  What a series.  Would have loved to see the Isles take that one, but still, what a series.

  28. It's fun. It's also neat to cheer as you go up, but not at any other time during the wave. That way you get a nice rotating sound to go around the entire arena.

    A game should be fun. the wave is fun. I don't see any problem with it. If you have a drink, put it in the cupholder... And if you want to watch, you can see if you stand up and take part in it.

  29. Well..I hope your talking about what I'm talking about ;]

    The wave at Fenway Park is intense.

    ...I like it in baseball..not so much with hockey

  30. It's o.k.

  31. Give more details, I don't know hockey.

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