
What your pick on a bible version ? ?

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i like nrsv and esv, but there are alot good verison out there.




  1. One you can understand and in a Study format. The New Living Translation is a good example. Depending on the depth of your Biblical background - you may also find the NIV helpful. Probably the most accurate in light of new understandings of Hebrew and Greek, archaeological finds, Dead Sea Scrolls etc. Stay away from "Special Bibles" sponsored by specific individuals or denominations. Many are okay but you never know - especially if you are a beginner.

    Make it a habit to pray for guidance and read it regularly with some kind of organized systematic method. Begin in the New Testament recommended - skipping The Revelation before you take on the Old Testament.  

  2. KJV with italic type.

  3. New Jerusalem Bible, Regular Edition.  Here's why

    Here's my recommendations


  4. I like Living Bible, NLT, NASB, KJV, NKJV, Today's English Version, NIV, etc.

  5. KJV all the way dude.

  6. King James for the most detailed word studies.

    New King James for my everyday studies.

    The Message for a very basic overview in modern easy to understand language.

    In my opinion, its always a good idea to have a translation (such as KJV and NKJV) for studies and a transliteration (such as NIV or the The Message) for leisure reading.

  7. Holman Christian Standard

  8. The King James Version speaks of the Lord God Almighty in a way that glorifies HIM in His truth.  

  9. KJV for in depth study

    ESV for pleasure study

  10. NWT first choice, ASV, then KJV.

    One I wish I could afford is KJV Interlinear of both the Hebrew and Greek texts. It is amazing to see the יהוה in the Hebrew text and in the proper locations and number of times.

    Add to that the online BlueLetterBible with many different versions and commentaries.

  11. King James Version....

    Not just because it is the version accepted and recognized by my church, but because I'd rather figure out the meanings of the "old english" translation and find out for myself, rather than read someone else's translation into "modern english".

    I think a lot of false translations have occurred.

    I do, however, have a copy of the "New World Translation", (The one the JW's use) which I use and compare with my King James Version bible.  

  12. I use many versions for different reasons. But, my favorites are the NRSV for theological purposes and NAS for spiritual puposes(such as ministering).     +?+

  13. New World Translation, but I have about 30 other translations that I use for personal study and research.

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