
What zip code has the most kids and teens?

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People who would buy electric and gas scooters, mopeds and atvs




  1. ZIP Codes are used for sorting and delivering mail.  Technically, they don't have boundaries.  Thus, it can be difficult to find demographic data for particular ZIP Codes.  For example, where I live ZIP Code 76202 serves the entire city of Denton, TX but doesn't have any boundaries since the only addresses in it are post office boxes.  The road by our house has a lot of empty land next to it where no mail is delivered.  Houses at this end have ZIP Code 76210 but houses on the other end have ZIP Code 76205.  If someone builds a house in between, which ZIP Code will it be in?  Well, that depends on which route the post office decides to assign the new house to.  So, ZIP Codes are not the best thing to use for geo-statistical purposes.

    The US Census Bureau has all kinds of detailed records about populations.  Their data is arranged by blocks, block groups, and census blocks, which do have boundaries.  A person is either in one or  another.  Your best method is to research census data, find the block group that best fits your search parameters, and then find out which ZIP Code or ZIP Codes are used in that geographic area.

    There are lots of marketing companies that specialize in this sort of thing.  Perhaps they can help you if you need it.

    Good luck.

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